Someone please think of the Teslas!
These definitely aren't cops or even anyone with any formal training.
The canary site. He doesn't think too highly of Jewish folk.
Why isn't Musk on there?
Looks like Pizzeria Dol che vita, Tweede Tuindwarsstraat 53, 1015 RX Amsterdam, Netherlands
Or maybe Papa John's. I'm not sure.
The site is nearly useless anyway. It lists very few actual car owners and the ones I've looked at weren't even accurate.
Season 3: Take your pet to work day.
So you're storing your shit at my house?
Stick it in a urinal.
Yeah, this doesn't seem like that big of a deal for most people here. They kept the price down as long as possible. I spent $119 just before the 'rona hit and I think it's been well worth it.
It loaded for me but it's very incomplete. It lists only a couple of tesla owners in a city with millions of people.
Edit: looks like it worked on my mobile device because my VPN had dropped and I didn't realize it. It doesn't work with VPN enabled. Kinda shady...
I don't know what they were, but they're not cops like they clearly said they were.