You’re totally right of course.
This place is so hilariously extreme it makes Reddit takes look normal.
You’re totally right of course.
This place is so hilariously extreme it makes Reddit takes look normal.
And now I went to do Dawnguard and they won’t let me in the castle gate to play the thing I bought because I made the classic Bethesda “mistake” of finding the location before starting the quest…great job Bethesda!
Wow…you weren’t kidding…that was it?
No credits or cutscenes or anything?
Sheesh…ah well.
The main campaign!
Did pretty much all the other stuff already, across multiple systems, lol.
Finally beating Skyrim, I’ve put it off long enough…
Sheesh, I remember playing the first one on my PSP and really enjoying it.
I wonder if it’s possible to jump back in to the series after all this time?
My wife doesn’t game either but holding a tablet for hours and months gave her “tennis elbow” and she was finally essentially ordered to quit by her doctor. Lmao.
This game is hella addicting.
I don’t remember the original looking that good, either. Weird.
Jesus Christ what the fuck.
Thankfully I’m not contractually obligated to a year of Netflix so I can simply stop paying for it if it ever becomes too much for me personally.
I don’t watch wrestling anymore but I’m all for anything that helps kill cable faster. Godspeed, Netflix.
Yikes. Seek help, please.