
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

…and see what, exactly? That culture doesn’t exist?

Yes lol.

Why…should I care if you’re black?

Because I am a living counterexample to the idea that black people need to speak a certain way.

What shit? You mean Black Entertainment Television? TV for black people? Black culture?

And Google's "privacy sandbox" is so private. C'mon lol. You gotta be either stupid or trolling.

Do you even know what you’re trying to argue?


[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (9 children)

think one paragraph voids decades of data they’ve carefully collected

Uhm... ackshually 🤓 it's two paragraphs.

But in all seriousness, "carefully collected" is a pretty severe misrepresentation of the way the majority of these stats are collected. One source you link says 66%*, but wikipedia says 28%. This is an very large increase.

This discrepancy is caused, in large part, because the police aren't very good at reporting on this kind of data. The article you linked, which I quoted goes mentions this, but it doesn't really go into detail just how bad it is. The police system, particularly in the US has a lot of inherent biases that lead to problematic behaviors and assumptions. Some of them are about race, and some of them are about... dog breeds.

Long story short, I only really trust hospitals for this sort of data. Insurance companies get their info from the police, who aren't reliable. Hospitals can have problems, but aren't going to be problematic as our police system. Interestingly, hospitals also seem to report much lower numbers, like the numbers mentioned in the study mentioned by wikipedia versus the other numbers present. I wonder why that is?

And one of the articles you linked was AI generated slop that claimed 66% but that was actually a hyperlink to wikipedia's claim of 28%. And most of the articles you linked were similar, clearly getting the data from the same place, but not actually linking it and/or having broken links.

Even the best source, the study you linked has issues when it comes to supporting your claims. It acknowledges that which breed has been top of the list for dog fatalities has shifted over time and only now settled on pitbulls. That source also acknowledges how dog breed identification is difficult.

And then of course, I won't deny that pitbulls do bite and kill at higher rates. But you are arguing that that somehow makes them inherently more dangerous, when there is simply no evidence for such a thing.

And yeah, if my dog was a Pittie, I would be defensive too, but I would also be honest that people need to take extra precautions…

The problem with this argument is that is is very, very similar to arguing that it's acceptable to be cautious around black people specifically because they are accused of crimes at higher rates. In fact it's so similar that I've seen "pitbull bad" be used as a white supremacist talking point. (which is part of why this argument gets so heated. Usually I just enjoy the popcorn but I finally decided to stop lurking).

But I'm gonna be real, I don't really want to argue with someone who just throws a bunch of slop sources they clearly didn't read at me. Read your damn sources. Use google scholar or similar instead of just a normal search engine, so you don't get AI slop.

And I'll give you some advice: If you want this argument to be well accepted in the future, you should throw in some points that make it clearly, distinctly separate from the white supremacist version of it. Some acknowledgement of the police being bad, or some acknowledgement of pitbull owners or some acknowledgement of how pitbulls don't rank top in bite strength (at least, according to two of the sources you linked). You complained about getting downvoted when you just posted stats but that's because people don't see those stats are an argument about pitbulls, they see someone preparing a setup for "What if I told you some races of people were inherently more dangerous?".

As an endnote, human race isn't real. Perhaps this applies to dog breeds as well, which one commenter noted but you just dismissed it and threw a bunch of slop articles at them instead.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (11 children)

Abuse and mistreatment can play a large role in a dog’s aggression, and pit bulls are often subjected to such conditions. In situations like this, dogs learn to be aggressive and will bite humans as a result. However, studies have shown that pit bulls’ aggression is largely due to their living conditions, and they aren’t necessarily naturally dangerous dogs

While many pit bulls can be held responsible for dog bites, it’s also worth noting that their reputation makes people quick to blame the breed. Other dog breeds have similar physical features as pit bulls, so people assume that’s what they are.

From the very article you linked in the other comment.

Don't talk facts when your source refutes your claim.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Never heard a black person speak

Holy fuck, please go outside. As a certified real black person I think you need to actually fucking touch some grass and meet some real black people.

Here's a video of me speaking just so you shut up.

Never seen BET?

If you learn about the world through shit like this it'd certainly explain the racism.

The Onion made a joke about this actually, Sale Of BET To White Supremacist Group Results In No Changes To Programming.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Firstly, you are probably going to need a pdf version of your resume. I've tried to get people to accept a website resume but they refuse, and explicitly want pdf. I link to a pdf on my website because of this. Do something similar.

Your notes are very in depth, and organized.

However, I agree with the other commenters about the overall site design and (over)use of JS. The cropping and spacing is overall poor, which only harms the site design further, given the already bad overall organization.

Another thing is icons. These are big and unevenly spaced. Use something like fontawesome (probably not this since it doesn't have everything, you may end up having to find svg logo's of the various things yourself) instead. If you are trying to do web development, your portfolio must look cleaner. Like in bootstrap, the place where the icon is, has sharp corners, which extend outward from bootstraps rounded corners.

I do disagree with one of the other commenters on the use of the term "language". I like it. Especially for a resume, brevity is better. I think overall, you should compress your site down, rather than having so much wasted space.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

You can push it even futher with wikiman, an offline interface to search and view manpages and the Arch wiki.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago

If you have an older nvidia gpu, you can use vgpu unlock to unlock these features on that.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Soatok's post about matrix opens with this:

Please keep in mind that this website is a furry blog, first and foremost, that sometimes happens to cover security and cryptography topics.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

If you don’t trust the authors, don’t install it (duh).

Just because I trust the authors to write good rust/javascript/etc code, doesn't mean I trust them to write good bash, especially given how many footguns bash has.

Steam once deleted a users home directory.

But: I do agree with you. I think curl | bash is reasonable for package managers like nix or brew. And then once those are installed, it's better to get software like the Bun OP mentions from them, rather than from curl | bash.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

You can use things like dependabot or renovate to update versions in a controlled manner, rather than automatically using the latest of everything.

On the other side, when it comes to docker containers, you can use github actions or some other CI/CD system to automate the container build.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Trust and security aren't just about protecting from malice, but also mistakes.

For example, AUR packages are basically install scripts, and there have been a few that have done crazy things like delete a users /bin — not out of any malice, but rather simple human error.

Binaries are going to be much, much less prone to these mistakes because they are in languages the creators have more experience with, and are comfortable in. Just because I trust someone to write code that runs on my computer, doesn't mean I trust them to write an install script, especially given how many footguns bash has.

Steam once deleted someone's home directory.

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