
joined 2 years ago
[–] morphballganon 10 points 1 month ago

The alien saying "ok" seems out of character, rather than something like "I see"

[–] morphballganon 1 points 1 month ago

This is a time of uncertainty. It's unclear how far the new American Nazi movement will go. I'm playing it safe for now.

[–] morphballganon 3 points 1 month ago

Only if you're pretending to be an American to influence our politics toward fascism, while yourself insulated from the disastrous consequences.

If you're not, then no, no problem with you.

[–] morphballganon 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)
[–] morphballganon 2 points 1 month ago

Being in a 1st world country

[–] morphballganon 5 points 1 month ago (4 children)
[–] morphballganon 5 points 1 month ago (6 children)
[–] morphballganon 13 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Haven't you figured it out yet?

Those weren't actual Americans.

[–] morphballganon 12 points 1 month ago
[–] morphballganon 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

My priority as a parent has to be protecting my family. Any flag I could fly would put a target on my family in someone's eyes. Why risk it?

[–] morphballganon 3 points 1 month ago

I'm guessing you don't mean "film better than T2 that also happens to be a sequel," but rather "sequel that is better than the first film by an amount greater than T2 was over T1."

I haven't seen T1 in a while, so I'm not sure how it would hold up. I want to say it was like a 7/10? And T2 a 10/10?

So, is there a sequel that is more than 3/10 better than the first film?

Inside Out and Bladerunner are both better than 7/10 in the first place, thus their sequels cannot be the answer regardless of how you would rate them.

I've never seen the Twilight films, but wasn't the 2nd one said to be a huge upgrade over the 1st?

Same with Shrek. I never made it through the 1st one, it was so bad.

[–] morphballganon 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

You are assuming he will leave office alive?

How many hamburders away do you think we are


Is this a Connect issue or a Catbox issue?


Right now, youtube has its own preference option, for method of opening. Could we expand this to allow users to input domains and select an opening method for them?

Generally, I want to open videos in app and articles in browser. I don't know if there's a better way to achieve this than giving users an option per domain, with custom domain input, but I'm open to other methods.


Say I start typing a comment, then decide to not bother. Instinctively I delete what I had typed, then press back. The UI asks me for confirmation to leave even though the field is blank. It should just go without confirmation if the field is blank.

I suspect it does this because it has a draft saved, but the current contents of the text box should take priority over a draft.


Subject line pretty much covers it. Say I get a hateful comment reply from user xyz, so I block them. I go back to my profile, even after refreshing, to look at my other replies, and xyz is still visible there.

I should be able to be done with hateful people/comments.


I've got 3 profiles. I switch between them fairly often to see different kinds of content (this is the only one that can see this community, for example). I noticed that when I switch, there's a chunk of time where the app doesn't have any of my profiles' block lists applied. So if there's a person I have blocked from each profile, spamming something inappropriate, I will see their posts if I refresh during this window of time.

I don't know if there's an elegant solution to this. Maybe whenever profiles are changed, the app could first revert back to Top Six Hour sorting, to avoid super recent low-upvote posts?

That still leaves open the possibility of scrolling down to the spam, though. The app would need to apply the user's block list mid-scrolling to prevent it. Is that possible?


I've got some comments I'd like to delete, but due to them being in threads that were deleted, I am unable to remove them from my profile. Clicking on them in my profile (which is necessary to delete comments) leads to an error screen since the thread doesn't exist anymore.

Could we put a menu on comments in the profile page to delete without going to the thread?

For the curious, the comments are nothing inflammatory or inappropriate, but they remind me of the inflammatory or inappropriate threads they were in, and I'd like to move on.


I see a couple hundred of these messages every day:

  • Post hidden
  • Refreshed
  • Blocked user
  • Blocked community
  • Downvotes are disabled

These are good things to know, but if there's no way to make the snackbars disappear automatically after 1-3 seconds, can we PLEASE have an option to disable them?

If it were easy to manually swipe them away, maybe I could deal, but the proportion of the screen that works to dismiss them is comically small. I'm writing this whole post with a Refreshed snackbar just casually hanging out on my screen. I know trying to dismiss it would 99% likely back me out of this post form instead.


Title. It's pretty common for me to hit one of these trying to hit the other, then I have to navigate down a gigantic blocked list to unblock them.

And/or, could blocks be displayed newest-first, so navigation to recent blocks is quicker?


Seems like sort by date is the only sorting method at the moment.


Saw this with my @mtgzone username. Problem with that instance or with Connect app?

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