
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago (5 children)

I have had no problems with Racknerd... That being said I just use my VPS and a tunnel back to my home server but totally worth the $22 is cost me a year.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

I have 4 WaveBirds. I had just started my first job in HS when the GC came out and my friends and I became obsessed with Phantasy Star Online. So being a HS student with nothing really important to spend my paychecks on, I ended up with 4 WaveBirds and the broadband adapter. I almost bought the keyboard controller even. We stopped playing PSO before I did buy it unfortunately but I did later use the broadband adapter and PSO to stream pirated games to my GC though so that was fun.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Same here. Ever since Exile I have bought them all.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Yeah... I have lived in MI for 39 years. It's always been super cloudy but we also have IMO some of the most beautiful natural resources around so even if it is cloudy there are plenty of ways to get out of funks. There are only so many places that you can see multiple inland freshwater seas in a single day.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (3 children)

It would be insane to take them out completely they are an introvert's dream and most people prefer them for smaller shopping trips. Now if every store went to the scan and go model then I would be okay with them being gone. Scan items as you shop and then pay from your phone. The only interaction is an employee at the door just quick checking your receipt by scanning a few of the items. It's glorious.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Home owner's association. Neighborhoods have common needs such as landscaping and other infrastructure that doesn't fall in someone's property. In theory these make sense, you have a group of people who set guidelines to keep the neighborhood nice. However, what often ends up happening is the group pushes their own agendas and it is no longer for the common good.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago

That has been my only complaint with this app. It's just so frustrating when trying to read a screenshot.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I got firstlastname on Gmail and I find it a curse now. There are old people all over the place with the same name that simply can't remember their email address and end up using mine. I have had everything from non profit fun runs in North Carolina to aerial crop photos from Idaho that apparently farmers pay for? It was like a $100 a month service... . Luckily I use first.lastname so I can filter out their emails quickly since they never have the . Occasionally when it's an email from a small company or something like that i send responses but most of it I just junk now.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I just spent the last 2 hours before bed playing Minecraft with my 7 and 5 year old and I ate chicken nuggets for dinner... I may never grow up....