college students are also taking finals rn
American democracy? already dead. we have already slipped into constitutional oligarchy territory
beautiful instance lore
lol I hadn't seen the acronymized instance name. was the fact that it's sjw intentional?
you're already over my head but you can talk to the devs. they have a matrix chat they link on their site
that's one I haven't heard of. how is it functionally?
not really. after enabling oem unlocking in developer options you just boot it while holding one of the volume buttons and you're able to unlock the bootloader.
root is not typically available and you don't need it for most uses besides development, but even then, I would recommend not using a phone you daily for that.
graphene sandboxes Google services so they don't run as root on your device. I haven't encountered an app I can't get running on graphene yet and having Google play installed as non root is a far sight better than stock.
my biggest problem with lineage was compatibility with banking apps so I reluctantly switched but graphene is a solid choice in operating system for privacy and security.
I would recommend buying a used phone from the most recent generation. I had my pixel 5 die on me about 7 months after I got it used due to a major Android update. Phone crashed hard and bricked, so don't get a 5 (even though it was my favorite design of the pixels). I have an 8 right now I bought it refurbished on Amazon. It works great and I know it will last a while being the most recent model. Also check FB marketplace if you have a Facebook account. People in my area are selling phones often.
I've been using graphene for years at this point and it's the best operating system I've ever had on a phone. Before this my favorite phone was a jail broken iPhone 5c. I even got a pixel tablet to take notes on for college recently and put graphene on it as well.
Only thing Google has right atm is leaving the bootloader on their phones unlockable.
glad I checked the hyperlink. XcQ link stays blue