Hey, you're one of today's lucky 10,000!
I still wish there was a real instrument that sounds as cool as that app
a real instrument
Like... An ocarina?
But that requires me to watch shorts to judge them... I don't know if that's worth it, to be honest.
But much less vocal.
You know, because we'd all be dead.
But I bet your home looks nice. Like, even this second frame needed to be drawn, so I now have tiles with empty gaps. Guess I'll do it tomorrow or something.
Luckily (for me) it's just raster graphics, so there's an obvious end after just 4 steps when it all disappears in just a handful of blurry pixels.
Thinking about it, this kind of comic maybe should be published as a map tile server so people can zoom in as deep as they want.
Well... It wasn't really supposed to be, but then again the bar is kind of low by now, so maybe it is.
Ah dang, and I thought it was clever...
To be fair, this isn't exactly "work" in that sense for me either... Just doing this for fun. But yeah, I need to work on my writing. Thanks for the feedback. Now I just need to know how to improve my handwriting, but I'll find something.
Wow, TIL!