The stock prices are a rubber band they need to go up some when they fall down so quickly
i assume the caller is an american
The original post did not mention fear of political persecution. I think that's a different situation.
stay. you will feel like shit when things go down and you are on the other side of the world doing nothing. it's pussy shit.
yea it's journalists constantly
they use signal to avoid leaks by the deep state. it's a fools proof plan because it's encrypted
i have no idea because I'm not like 120 years old. i was just old enough to start forming opinions during obama.
you get a filtered version of history i think. there were some incredible idiots in the 60s, things happening that made no sense and americans who were in support of it all.
the tools of manipulation are probably more agile and effective now. i don't know what else is intrinsically different.
what does hacking a tesla have to do with not buying a tesla?
the world following the end of the era where you could fix and work on your car
the comment is referring to a government