I finished Endurance: Shackleton's Incredunle Voyage by Alfred Lansing. It was a well written account but the story really made me dislike Shackleton.
I also read Edgedancer by Brandon Sanderson, a novella in the Stormlight Archive universe. Now I'm on Oathbringer (Stormlight book 3). Only just started but already enjoying it immensely. I feel like with where book 2 left off, this will be the book where I really start to see payoff of everything that's been built up.
I finished Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. It follows two friends and video game devs from childhood into adulthood. This author did some really interesting things and I intensely loved parts of the book. At the same time though, parts of the book really frustrated me, pulled me out of the story and made we want to stop reading it entirely. I've never been so conflicted about how I feel about a book.
Now I'm continuing to read Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson (Stormlight book 3). It's been very slow going but I am really enjoying it.