
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 35 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

"Ethical and legal objections". The point in this case is that what's legal is unethical, and what's ethical is illegal. Analogous to other situations through history and countries, for example in the USA when it was illegal for black people to sit in certain parts of a bus, or in Germany when marriage with Jewish people was illegal.

As human beings, it's always important to make the ethical choice.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Yes we're considering Newtonian mechanics in any case. What I'm especially curious about is what physical principles people use to motivate their answers.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

With one of those spectacular yet "no big deal" moments we were waiting for... 🤣

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

"Science of the Total Environment" journal? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Too silly even for a 3rd-rate sci-fi film...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Cheers! Looks like a great fediverse platform. So sad that the choice of English-speaking servers seems somewhat limited - for now.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 months ago (6 children)

What's Misskey? Never heard of! Time to check.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 months ago

For a moment I thought the "here's how" meant "here's how to play in mud and dirt". Let's do it like pros, folks!

[–] [email protected] 11 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (4 children)

these autonomous agents represent the next step in the evolution of large language models (LLMs), seamlessly integrating into business processes to handle functions such as responding to customer inquiries, identifying sales leads, and managing inventory.

I really want to see what happens. It seems to me these "agents" are still useless in handling tasks like customer inquiries. Hopefully customers will get tired and switch to companies that employ competent humans instead...


What are the comparative and superlative of the adjective "fun"? I'd say "more fun" and "most fun"...

But I'm somehow slightly tempted by "funnier" and "funniest", which should be for "funny" though, not "fun"...

I didn't find anything about this in the main dictionaries.


...and thought of randomly posting it here.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I wanted to tag SDF today. A #sdf came up, but it seems to refer to something(s) different. I also saw a #sdfdotorg.

Is there a tag that's sort of "standard" to refer to SDF? Standard in the sense that it's typically used by ~~SDF members~~ [Edit:] Mastodon users interested in SDF.


Personal websites often give an email address for contact, as a mailto:[email protected] link. And the address is often obfuscated in a variety of ways to avoid its harvesting by spam bots.

If one wants to give one's Matrix address in a website, what's the correct way of writing it as link? is it recognized as any kind of MIME (like mailto:)?

And is Matrix-address spamming something possible and common? In this case, how should one obfuscate a Matrix address given in a website?

Lots of questions from a noob :) Thank you for your explanations!

Edit for others with the same question: as per @[email protected]'s explanation in the comments, the Matrix address can be given as the link[yourusername]:[your.server]
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from:

In my desktop Firefox I use Cookie Autodelete to keep a whitelist of sites whose cookies won't be deleted. All other cookies are deleted as soon as all tabs for a particular site are closed.

Android's Firefox, from what I gather, only give you two choices: delete all cookies upon quitting (not tab closing), or save them across sessions.

Unfortunately the extension above does not work on Firefox Android, and I haven't found any other alternatives.

Do you know of any alternatives or other solutions, to get a behaviour similar to the desktop one? (And also: how come that extension is not supported on Firefox on Android?)


submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In my desktop Firefox I use Cookie Autodelete to keep a whitelist of sites whose cookies won't be deleted. All other cookies are deleted as soon as all tabs for a particular site are closed.

Android's Firefox, from what I gather, only give you two choices: delete all cookies upon quitting (not tab closing), or save them across sessions.

Unfortunately the extension above does not work on Firefox Android, and I haven't found any other alternatives.

Do you know of any alternatives or other solutions, to get a behaviour similar to the desktop one? (And also: how come that extension is not supported on Firefox on Android?)



I wonder how many in this community resonate with this.


cross-posted from:

We identify "life" with the capability of self-replication plus some other features. In other conditions, for instance on other planets, it could be possible for self-replication to happen in a way different from the RNA/DNA-based one.

I remember stumbling, years ago, on research and papers that studied this kind of possibility. But I'm having a hard time finding the old references or new ones.

Do you have interesting papers and research material to share about this? Thank you!


We identify "life" with the capability of self-replication plus some other features. In other conditions, for instance on other planets, it could be possible for self-replication to happen in a way different from the RNA/DNA-based one.

I remember stumbling, years ago, on research and papers that studied this kind of possibility. But I'm having a hard time finding the old references or new ones.

Do you have interesting papers and research material to share about this? Thank you!


I'd like to change the preferred-application order for some mimetypes/file extensions, and trying to do that through the "File associations" tab of the System Settings Module. But the changes don't stick.

A look at .xsession-errors shows that some files must be corrupted. For example I see (NB: this isn't the mimetype I'm trying to change):

Mimetype Comment Dirty: old= "application/" m_comment= "Amazon KF8 ebook format"
Entry  "application/x-mobi8-ebook"  is dirty. Saving.

and similarly for several other obscure mime-types (e.g. "x-x509-ca-cert").

I've tried a reset as described here, by renaming the ~/.local/share/mime directory, creating a new ~/.local/share/mime/packages/ one, and calling update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime. But it doesn't help. I manage to do and save one change in the File Associations settings, but after that, other changes won't stick anymore.

Something seems corrupted upstream.

Any suggestions? Cheers!

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