
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Oh absolutely. She's dummy but the most amazing dummy!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

For the record. She was a rescue.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

And true. She is a MUTT! A that make sense that she's not that smart. LOL

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Semantics. Regardless I wanted to share my cute dog.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago is working toward Federating. (self-hosted) using the ActivityPub plugin federates nicely.

But then you have to follow what Matt Mullenweg is up to!

[–] 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I would suggest or running your own WriteFreely install using Yunohost.

Here's mine:


Olive is a 3 1/2 yr old Airedoodle.

She's 50% Airedale Terrier, 36% approx standard poodle, and 16% approx Labrador Retriever.

Out of all these smart breeds, she missed out on all the smarts. She's not that bright, but a very loving amazing, large dog.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Will check that out? Thanks!!!

[–] 13 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Neat feature. Any word on if Kagi has ties to the Kremlin?


Matt Mullenweg has a huge chip on his shoulder that HE PUT THERE. He's taking it out on his top contributors.

Joost has nothing but the best interest at heart for the WordPress community. I would exactly say Mullenweg Silenced Joost, it's not like he killed him or anything, but he's not letting him speak at WC Asia.

I think Matt has gone off the deep end here and its' concerning beyond belief.

We really need to wrangle control of the project out of his hands.


I love the Post Status community and am a paying member Joost and Marieke are great stewards and will do a lot for the community.


The WP Community Collective is focused on supporting and strengthening the open source ecosystem.

The WP Community Collective provides financial, operational, and promotional support to open source projects and communities. We fund independent contribution to selected projects and develop initiatives that support the both the micro and macro open source community.

I'm a member and I see the need for a community like this outside of to make sure the project survives Matt Mullenweg's idiocy.


Because why the hell not!


I recently (as in just now) bought a month of the Kagi Search engine to give it a whirl. THEN I heard they use Yandex which is Russian and well... Russia and Ukraine. Any truth to this?


I'm live blogging the sessions that I'm going to remotely via the live streams.



I have a client who is trying to set up a YouTube channel for two of there businesses using just his one Google Workspace account.

Is there a tutorial out there that I can share with them on how to do this?

Any help would be much appreciated.




I have an iPhone 15 that when my car picks up a phone call on the hands-free system. It takes a moment to Ashley pick up and then is at first with the volume. Is this an iPhone issue that is known? Could it be T-Mobile? Or could it be my 2014 Avalon system? I didn’t have his problem with my android phone prior to this iPhone switch. Thanks for any insights.

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