I've worked in IT my whole career and if someone wants me yo install Linux on their machine, or has questions about bash scripting, I'm dropping whatever I'm doing to help them.
How else are my friends and family supposed to teach each other it nobody teaches them? Not everyone was as lucky as I was to be encouraged to pursue tech, that doesn't mean they don't deserve the same privacy and options that I benefit from.
Call it fewer options, I call it curated options. Yeah, I don't get to install every piece of software I could on windows (though that list is shrinking really fucking fast), but i also don't want to. I don't need to put energy into cracking adobe software so they can steal my licensing and farm my data to sell or train their AI on.
I don't want to use a drill that only works with screws that are officially approved for DeWalt drills, and I don't want to hack a DeWalt drill to make it work with other screws. I want a drill that fits whatever screw I want. People aren't switching to Linux because of the vast amount of software available for it, it's because it's the option that actually respects us as consumers.