
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago (4 children)

You can't blame the community here for being kind of frustrated with this response. Many people reported trolling behavior for a long time before that ban finally happened. If the things I reported them for myself aren't trolling then I don't know would qualify as trolling.

Several other instances banned UM for trolling long before .world did. Because it wasn't unclear.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 months ago (6 children)

With all due respect, that did not happen with UM for months and far longer with linkerbaan.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago (6 children)

Here is a gem of a DM from the troll who led to this even-more-hands-off approach, bragging about how they will get away with their influence/troll campaign scot-free.

Notice the use of the word "we", a tacit admission that they are working in coordination with other trolls. Pretty fucking great, eh?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (15 children)

So the new rule is to let trolls do what they want, invisibly to the people who care most about that -- because the rule is literally to have to block them? This is fucked up.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

I couldn't agree with you more. Thank you for calling him out. I can definitely say that comments like yours help me keep my resolve and think "it's not just me! Everyone can see it!"

If you and others hadnt kept calling him on his shit I would've eventually probably just stopped using Lemmy tbh. Users like that absolutely shit in the pool. I'm sure he'd have a lot of whining to do about how he was persecuted for having a different point of view but we all know that was bullshit. Luckily we don't have to endure that whining!

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago

No examples then. Cool.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 5 months ago (5 children)

Maybe you can provide an example?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (7 children)

RIP. I'm sure he'll be back with alts, but here are the final stats:

UniversalMonk stats pulled 10/25/2024, 3:20:53 PM EDT

  • Account created 78 days ago (8/8/2024, 9:21:38 PM EDT)
  • 6,272 submissions (= 2,017 posts + 4,255 comments)
  • 80.4 avg submissions / day
  • 11.9 mins avg time between submissions (assuming 8 hrs of sleep / day)
  • 87,814 downvotes accrued (~ 1,126 downvotes / day, 0.20 u:d ratio)
    • -70,379 net reputation score
    • ~ 1.3 mins between downvotes on avg
    • ~ 14.9 avg downvotes / submission
      • ~ 13.2 avg downvotes / comment
      • ~ 19.5 avg downvotes / post
      • ~ -11.4 avg reputation score / comment
      • ~ -13.4 avg reputation score / post
  • ~ 16 typed pages (3,789 words) written / day
    • 236,631 total words written as comments, 58,852 total words written in posts
    • ~ 76 mins / day writing comments (40 wpm)
    • ~ 32 mins / day making posts (40 wpm + 30 secs / post)
  • ~ 140 hrs commenting/posting in 78 days, which breaks down to:
    • ~ 108 mins / day
    • 11.2% of their waking hours

  • None of this takes into account time reading others' posts/comments, or alts this user may have. See the modlog for any communities they've been banned from.

    Top 5 duplicate submissions (of 914 exact matches and 683 which are 70%+ similar)

    spoiler 27 x 'Thank you! :)'
  • 27 x 'Thank you! :)'
  • 26 x 'Thank you!'
  • 22 x 'Yep!'
  • 22 x 'Agreed.'

  • Fetch user stats yourself with: https://codeberg.org/p00perNickel/lemmy-user-stats

    [–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

    Here is the tool: https://codeberg.org/p00perNickel/lemmy-user-stats

    Let me know if you have any issues with it!

    [–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

    Here is the tool: https://codeberg.org/p00perNickel/lemmy-user-stats

    Let me know if you have any issues with it!

    [–] [email protected] 17 points 5 months ago

    Yeah, if I didn't think they were fucking up the whole ecosystem and showing other potential trolls they can too, I'd just block them and move on.

    [–] [email protected] 10 points 5 months ago

    [email protected] "Socialist Mormon Satanist" stats pulled @ 10/22/2024, 1:37:27 PM EDT

    • Account created 75 days ago (8/8/2024, 9:21:38 PM EDT)

    • 6,131 contributions (= 1,932 posts + 4,199 comments)

    • 81.7 average contributions / day

    • 11.7 mins average time between contributions (assuming 8 hrs of sleep / day)

    • 83,172 downvotes accrued

      • -65,774 net reputation points
      • ~1.3 mins between downvotes on average
      • ~14.3 average downvotes / submission
      • 0.21 upvote to downvote ratio
    • 231,519 words written as comments, 58,014 words written in posts

    • 3,861 words (~16 typed pages) written per day

    • ~77 mins / day writing comments (40 words / min)

    • ~32 mins / day making posts (40 words / min + 30 secs / post)

    • ~137 hrs commenting/posting in the past 75 days which breaks down to

      • ~109 mins / day
      • ~31.9% of a full time job
      • 11.4% of their waking hours
    • See the modlog for more info.

    None of this takes into account time reading others' posts/comments, or alts this user may secretly have.

    Top 10 duplicate submissions (of 306 exact matches and 234 which are 70%+ similar)

    spoiler 'Thank you!' x 28
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/11735366
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/11735955
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/11743878
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/11817818
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/11982633
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12027686
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/12216542
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/12307738
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/12308150
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/12309396
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/12311578
    12. https://lemmy.world/comment/12950616
    13. https://lemmy.world/comment/11735320
    14. https://lemmy.world/comment/12212813
    15. https://lemmy.world/comment/12787248
    16. https://lemmy.world/comment/12787595
    17. https://lemmy.world/comment/12788399
    18. https://lemmy.world/comment/12798832
    19. https://lemmy.world/comment/12804112
    20. https://lemmy.world/comment/12804403
    21. https://lemmy.world/comment/12815359
    22. https://lemmy.world/comment/12859415
    23. https://lemmy.world/comment/12884524
    24. https://lemmy.world/comment/12923452
    25. https://lemmy.world/comment/12937851
    26. https://lemmy.world/comment/12937855
    27. https://lemmy.world/comment/12996083
    28. https://lemmy.world/comment/13002846 :::
  • 'Yep!' x 28
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/11999485
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/12119855
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/12249835
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/12317674
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/12366231
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12478780
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/12521586
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/12644574
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/12650451
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/12698185
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/12765375
    12. https://lemmy.world/comment/12765376
    13. https://lemmy.world/comment/12795033
    14. https://lemmy.world/comment/12805136
    15. https://lemmy.world/comment/12805530
    16. https://lemmy.world/comment/12815339
    17. https://lemmy.world/comment/12882018
    18. https://lemmy.world/comment/12909916
    19. https://lemmy.world/comment/12923437
    20. https://lemmy.world/comment/12938868
    21. https://lemmy.world/comment/13023699
    22. https://lemmy.world/comment/12328732
    23. https://lemmy.world/comment/12348685
    24. https://lemmy.world/comment/12521594
    25. https://lemmy.world/comment/12610600
    26. https://lemmy.world/comment/12713610
    27. https://lemmy.world/comment/12820772
    28. https://lemmy.world/comment/12894213
  • 'k' x 23
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/11737773
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/11737891
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/11737972
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/11737995
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/11738086
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/11738218
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/11738246
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/11743946
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/11753322
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/11753367
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/11755099
    12. https://lemmy.world/comment/11755388
    13. https://lemmy.world/comment/11756415
    14. https://lemmy.world/comment/11756623
    15. https://lemmy.world/comment/11756683
    16. https://lemmy.world/comment/11756731
    17. https://lemmy.world/comment/11756770
    18. https://lemmy.world/comment/11756847
    19. https://lemmy.world/comment/11757001
    20. https://lemmy.world/comment/11757808
    21. https://lemmy.world/comment/11757813
    22. https://lemmy.world/comment/11757863
    23. https://lemmy.world/comment/12428142
  • 'Agreed!' x 22
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/11714325
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/11794705
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/12089887
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/12132035
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/12264458
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12317444
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/12323502
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/12453161
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/12516191
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/12605087
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/12745932
    12. https://lemmy.world/comment/12805534
    13. https://lemmy.world/comment/12840119
    14. https://lemmy.world/comment/12909898
    15. https://lemmy.world/comment/11904886
    16. https://lemmy.world/comment/12131410
    17. https://lemmy.world/comment/12270853
    18. https://lemmy.world/comment/12278119
    19. https://lemmy.world/comment/12278155
    20. https://lemmy.world/comment/12323465
    21. https://lemmy.world/comment/12693001
    22. https://lemmy.world/comment/12966982
  • 'I don't know what you mean.' x 20
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/11757556
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/11757557
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/12238257
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/12400823
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/12565188
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12583929
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/11735566
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/11737157
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/11888568
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/12311040
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/12360057
    12. https://lemmy.world/comment/12395133
    13. https://lemmy.world/comment/12420111
    14. https://lemmy.world/comment/12421236
    15. https://lemmy.world/comment/12421321
    16. https://lemmy.world/comment/12439696
    17. https://lemmy.world/comment/12525488
    18. https://lemmy.world/comment/12563842
    19. https://lemmy.world/comment/12564780
    20. https://lemmy.world/comment/12582076
  • 'I don't have to explain anything to you. Thanks!' x 15
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/12398666
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/12495296
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/12366227
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/12367327
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/12419420
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12428146
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/12457183
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/12486020
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/12495287
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/12599998
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/12600030
    12. https://lemmy.world/comment/12613040
    13. https://lemmy.world/comment/12770794
    14. https://lemmy.world/comment/12787046
    15. https://lemmy.world/comment/12820767
  • 'Right?' x 14
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/11776872
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/11850443
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/12493392
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/12626401
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/12649851
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12650242
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/12745913
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/12786095
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/12804035
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/12805992
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/12871852
    12. https://lemmy.world/comment/12875566
    13. https://lemmy.world/comment/12911508
    14. https://lemmy.world/comment/12939450
  • 'Every vote for Harris is stealing a vote from thir...' x 12
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/12460202
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/12472234
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/12476989
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/12477047
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/12478029
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12478783
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/12478790
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/12492462
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/12492508
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/12492607
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/12492644
    12. https://lemmy.world/comment/12521576
  • 'Exactly!' x 11
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/12351305
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/12516482
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/12657136
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/12805096
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/12850788
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12899417
    7. https://lemmy.world/comment/12920864
    8. https://lemmy.world/comment/12323618
    9. https://lemmy.world/comment/12559965
    10. https://lemmy.world/comment/12611016
    11. https://lemmy.world/comment/12820815
  • ::: spoiler 'To cut through the nonsense and save everyone time...' x 10
    1. https://lemmy.world/comment/12287124
    2. https://lemmy.world/comment/12287210
    3. https://lemmy.world/comment/12307518
    4. https://lemmy.world/comment/12307643
    5. https://lemmy.world/comment/12317493
    6. https://lemmy.world/comment/12317539
    7. https://l
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