In NY state, murder of the first degree is reserved for murder against a police officer or something related. So not an average civilian
In NY state, murder of the first degree is reserved for murder against a police officer or something related. So not an average civilian
"Don't completely disapprove" might be better phrasing
This is where I get mine from:
Very reasonable, especially when you compare it to equivalent quality coffee beans. And you don't need the equipment to go with it ...
Try a single estate Assam, it's what it's made out of, but better
We are, we are, we are, we are
We are the engineers!
We can, we can, we can, we can
Demolish forty beers
Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum, drink rum
And come along with us!
'Cos we don't give a fuck about anyone else
Who don't give a fuck about us.
That's what the first engineer I ever met said, but to be fair he was a combat engineer. Those guys are scary. Stick to electronics and bridges...
Mate, you can just put your finger over the solar panel until it slowly gets strangled
Not really...
A woman designed the monument and the original design but the was embellished by a different sculptor after she had died
What if you are practicing? Can you start slow on the hard bits or do you have to get it right straight away?
If it were sanctioned by the league of women voters I'd be happy, otherwise not really worth it
Feels a bit like that paperclip sim
Were they flatulent? Or making fun of the local real estate? Did they play practical jokes on one another? What was with their behaviour??
You would imagine there would be a clause in the contract for exactly this scenario. If there's not, it's going to be a common one in contacts going forward...