They're here. Someone else saved the day. If the link breaks just reply to this and I'll fix it. https://gofile.io/d/IIvo5Y
I can get my hands on the episodes and transcribe to English using whisper, I assume people are interested in that output.
What's it like for you now?
I only ever see the real start menu on other people's computers. Openshell is like ublock, without it your face tends to contort and twist like you ate a lemon.
Penis, is it?
Damn you. Now I gotta check that out. I dropped gimp permanently once I tried Krita.
Because that company is completely insane and gotten too big for their britches. Also, I feel a company that big unfortunately can't be touched by right to repair... or does that movement even include stuff like bricked stadia controllers and bios locked laptops destined for the landfill?
Anything that helps keep unusable electronics out of the dump is awesome. Shame on google for providing the unlock firmware for a only limited time.
Careful, gen z might think that's a euphemism. Been almost 20yrs since the last Gameboy.
Ecstasy kicking in.