Oh my fucking god not a priority (also not a possibility). Fuck this country.
Some publisher dickheads are totally unaware their business minmaxxing is absolutely the reason this product wasn't developed properly but I am sure the devs at rocksteady will get all the flak as per usual and the people actually responsible for this sabotage will probably move laterally to another position where they can ruin more shit people like for a six figure income.
Slavery thats called slavery Edit sorry thats called slavery in civilized countries but the US is not one of them, we do not consider this slavery legally lol
We always hear about shit companies like embracer, but who are the actual people in charge? Who are the people who are very bad at their jobs and should be publically ostracized for damaging not only their ips but the lives of hundreds to thousands of working developers? Like what are their names? Who are these faceless scumbags?
Embracer is just a name to hide behind, the people involved in the decisionmaking here should be known by name, like Bobby "incredible piece of human filth" Kotick
I believe the devs, unfortunately publishers call the shots
Christofascists are not a threat I saw coming growing up in the 90s
Battle Royale and extraction shooters
The who in question is a man made of straw
Lmfao WHAT savings I was almost homeless this year working full time for CVS
So disappointing Glover hasn't actually been Prowler yet
Oh this happened to me last year, minus some details and add some others. Hope someone here has some advice because 988 didn't help and I gotta stop crying before lunch is over
Edit actually here's some advice I'm giving myself: see a therapist because internet strangers don't know shit