
joined 2 years ago
[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 1 points 3 days ago

"I don't belong to any organized political party - I am a democrat!"

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Conversion therapy for minors

Why spend money on therapy? Just wait until they are 18, then they won't be minors anymore! Unless it was a typo of miners, then yes, they need all the retraining they can get because coal mining is going away and nothing can stop it.

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 17 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Is Bernie passing the torch to AOC?

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 33 points 5 days ago

Black owned businesses - you know what to do.

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

A top-two runoff system is considered democracy. A system where the two parties are just the same thing, like in North Korea, is not.

Americans consider their two parties as very flexible about what they stand for. If there is a big enough group not represent by the incumbent, the other parties' primary will be biased towards this group.

What we saw this time around, though, was two incumbents running against each other with no room for the non-represented group to be reflected. Thus, to that group at least, it felt like there was no difference (at least in the represtation).

Those that believed that there was no difference are now finding out how much of a difference it was - and they are now yearning for another vote to fix things.

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 3 points 5 days ago

He finally recovered from the COVID he got a week before he dropped out.

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 6 points 1 week ago

People seem to think freedom and democracy are synonymous. Places can be free, but not have democracy; places can also have democracy and not be free. When a simple majority of the voting public supports cracking down on freedoms - you will have one of the two, but you can't have both.

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 207 points 1 week ago (11 children)

Biden: "I can't fire a postmaster general who actively tried to sabotage the election against me in 2020 because it would be against the law."

Trump: " I fired someone who SCOTUS directly said i can't fire because some people openly bribed me"

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

No, it is federal-sanctioned.

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 3 points 1 week ago

So, the question becomes: does a particular charity have a shortage of tech people working for them or a shortage of money? Which would be easier to get?

[–] randon31415@lemmy.world 7 points 1 week ago

Trump is only serious about it because if Canada isn't part of the United States, Vice President Musk can never take over when he is gone.


Gave up on ICON/PaMir/PiFu/Eva3D ever working on my computer and tried to make it work on my own.

Workflow: Stable diffusion, Automatic1111. -Text2Img something that your model know the back and front of with a prompt.
-Take image, feed into Depth map script, output Left/Right stereogram -Cut Stereogram into two pieces, feed either left or right into img2img with same prompt, low but non-zero de-noising, and depth map script again. Repeat on same side.

Still need to play with the settings (de-noising and depth shift), up the resolution, change the prompt a bit while rotating. Hope someone else has better luck than I did. Anyone have a better workflow?

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