Raspberry Pi Pico-based*
I refuse to support kitty solely based on kovid's absolutely deplorable attitude. I lost count of the number of people I personally talked to who wanted to contribute but then decided not to after seeing how toxic and abusive they were to users in the github issues.
I agree it's confusing and needs more work, and I disagree with the forum comments about using less JS, I think we need an easy way to translate timezones for the end-user in templates/forms. I really don't like my current method of putting timezone.activate()
somewhere in my ModelAdmins.
to be fair, you can ask the same of many rust devs themselves
I assume they mean non-Xorg/wayland, but I really don't know for sure.
I know that my ISP sells my data to third parties, so I prefer not to give it to them willingly. I don't consider that paranoid.
I'm surprised they don't just compel companies to build the backdoor into the client software itself rather than trying to remove or weaken the encryption. That way, E2EE continues to work properly.
Obviously don’t use a VPN
To me this kinda defeats the point of being privacy-conscious.
It’s still relatively easy to sign up for a major email provider anonymously.
In my experience, it is actually impossible. Either you get blocked (IP/ASN ban, endless captchas) or it requires SMS confirmation. I have not been able to sign up for any major email provider anonymously. I'm pretty sure that's by design.
It is not easy for privacy-conscious users in my experience. They have gone back and forth multiple times on banning registration/login via tor. And whether it's tor or a common VPN provider, they often will immediately ban you upon first login. Many common private email providers are also blocked. Plus for people that don't want to give anything to Microsoft or their AI training in the first place, it's already a non-starter.
In my experience most of the people that are vehemently against corporate influence in open source, are just against capitalism in general.
But most people don't want to drop off the grid and go live in the woods... a middle-ground compromise would be nice.
Is the new Alexa+ required to be used going forward? Or can you stay on the local-only setup for controlling home automation and simple things like timers and such?