
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Sorry, I'll try it with crayons:

While I don't disagree with the overall message of the article (I agree that there are a lot of reasons that AI is bad), the article itself is of poor quality (in my humble opinion), which might save someone else from wasting the 30 seconds it will take to read it. As another commentor pointed out, it seems likely that this article — arguing that AI is bad — was indeed, somewhat paradoxically, itself written by AI.

In an attempt to be helpful, I will, however, share a link to the article, which will allow others to avoid the paywall, and thus form their own opinion on the matter, seeing as the original link does not allow anyone to actually read the article in question, due to said paywall.

I'm sorry that my comment annoyed you enough to warrant the scathing review and analysis; I do, however, feel that it might be based on a somewhat flawed interpretation of what I actually wrote, possibly due to an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex (conceivably age related), or poor education, or both, combined with low impulse control (conceivably age- and/or diagnosis related).

Either way, I hope you have a great day, and good luck with life.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

That Christmas became an instant classic this year. Fucking amazing ❤️

Just watched Klaus with the kids for the Nth time (first time this year, though), and still absolutely fantastic.

I'm probably forgetting some, but these are definitely at the top of the list.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Just finished watching Klaus with the kids 30 minutes ago (we've seen it many times before), and it's just brilliant.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Exactly! Seems like a very "Yo Dawg!"-moment to me.

The less Microsoft I need, the better, and recently switched from VS Code to VS Codium, which, I believe, puts me at 100% free of Microsoft 😍

(Barring some M$ code in other software I use that I don't know about)

[–] 2 points 4 months ago (1 children)

I thought it was 'ponies'; yours is better.

Somewhere in my vast collection of notes, I have an alcohol-induced business plan, probably scribbled on a napkin — basically a company that sells sew-on pockets. Exclusively. One day ...

[–] 3 points 5 months ago

Really cool video, thanks for sharing! 😃

[–] 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I think that would release an awful lot of carbon 😓

[–] 8 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Sneakernet is OK, but I still prefer IPoAC.

[–] 6 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Full interface overhaul? Maybe . . . ? 🙏

[–] 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I mean, fuck Apple, but ...

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Hanlon's Razor (Wikipedia)

Still, though — fuck Apple.

[–] 18 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Sorry if it's too off-topic 😅

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

See, only took a second! (an ADHD rant about how posting this song cost me 2.5 hours of my life) 🙄

Song starts at 3:45, btw 🤘

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Tænker at Scarlet Pleasure er tilpas store nok til at de ikke — sådan rent rights-juridisk — slipper afsted med dette "cover" 😮

Gad godt have været fluen på væggen hos Copenhagen Records da 'Summertime' blev godkendt til udgivelse, kan slet ikke forestille mig samtalen...

Mest imponerende er at bandet (eller deres SoMe handler) selv indrømmer det i en kommentar på Instagram her (deres svar på kommentar fra "martin_marstrand"): 🤯

Kan det være at det er med vilje? At de tabte royalties når Disney kræver rettighederne opvejes af den mængde omtale (om nogen) det giver? Rage baiting? 4D chess? 🤔♛

edit: Glemte lidt kontekst hvis nogen savner den — sangen er meeeeeget tæt på 'Colors of the Wind' ('Vindens Farver' på dansk) fra Disneys 33. animationsfilm 'Pocahontas' (1995).


Really liking this new cut from The Hives, and the video is absolutely brilliant 😅

It was directed by Aube Perrier, and I highly recommend having a look at some of his other stuff.

One example is the rather wonderful video for Harry Styles' "Music For A Sushi Restaurant", and most of his other stuff is equally good 😊👍


My kids (4 and 6) were in charge of music during our morning routine today, and happened upon Radiohead's 'Paranoid Android'. Very picky listeners both, the song got a surprising full playthrough (no small feat at a length of 6:23, or ~24 attention spans!), resulting in one very proud parent.

It got me in a bit of a nostalgic mood, the memories of 'OK Computer' releasing in 1997 flooding back; for those of you who weren't around at the time, or maybe weren't at an age where you were hit by the full force of this groundbreaking album, it was a really, really special period.

I couldn't help thinking that this particular experience was something my daughters would never be able to have, and it's something I could never explain to them; I don't remember the particulars of my life at the time, apart from basic stuff like where I must have lived, what school I must have been at, and there's no putting into words the deeply personal feeling of being, well, me at that moment.

It's more like a taste you can almost, but not quite, recall, a scent, an ambiance amalgamated from every single impression you got from being alive at a certain time. I don't know how to convey that to others, and I'm not sure it's possible.

Anyway, it prompted me to go check if there was a documentary or similar about the release of 'OK Computer', and I found this gem. For those of you who were at just the right time in your life in 1997 for this album to have made an impact, I hope this takes you back in the best of ways.

For me personally, 'OK Computer' was like having my brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick; an aural Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, if you will (1997 also happens to be the year that the leather-bound, guilt-edged omnibus edition of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy" was released, which I promptly purchased and subsequently swore to never lend to anyone, having lost all previous copies of the books to forgetful and/or careless friends; but that's another story).

Watching this documentary certainly managed to scratch my nostalgic itch. Good times. I'm curious to know what the rest of you think of the video, should you manage to finish it 🙂


I make collages and word posters from vintage and retro illustrations and images in the public domain. Here's my latest piece, 'J is for Journey'.

Had a lot of fun making this one, a lot of good words that begin with J 😊


Hi all,

I'm a big fan of having ebooks read to me while I'm doing stuff that prevents me from reading them myself (driving, working, doing dishes, etc.).

I've been using Evie on my Android phone for a few years now, and while it does what I need, the interface is a bit cumbersome, and I wouldn't mind a better alternative.

Evie offers paid Amazon TTS, which I neither like nor use, but also has free support for Google's TTS service (~~not sure if this is his API or just using built-in services on the phone~~ — looks like the voices are Android TTS voices), which I've gotten very fond of. I've logged 200+ books like this in recent years, and I'm very content with the quality of the voices (I use en-us-x-tpc-network).

Ideally, a FOSS ebook reader would support Android TTS, as well as controlling playback/reading speed. Does anyone know of such an app? 🙂

Incidentally, I was always "annoyed" that the only way to get money to Evie was through the Amazon TTS subscription, which I don't need or want. I'm a recent update, they added a new feature: paid background sounds to accompany your story, such as "rain", "train ride", etc. I bought them all, just to show my support, and actually ended up using one of the background rain sounds for the last book I went through, and quite enjoyed it. I think this is a very nice way for an app to allow users to spend a bit more to show their support; paid, non-critical features.

Also, just now discovered that they actually have a "donate" button 😅 Sent a few more $ their way.


I'm a huge fan of changing playback speed when playing videos, and finally got fed up with the cumbersome interface in the official YouTube app on Android (as well as the ads...).

I thought I read that there was a shortcut or gesture that would do it, but can't get anything to work 😥

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