In addition to what others have said, it also affects camber in turns. Positive caster when turning gives the outside wheel negative camber and the inside wheel positive camber to keep a larger patch of contact when turning at high speed.
Here is a reddit post by a marshal riding in one of the trucks. It includes an update with a link to a response (on Twitter, sorry) from the owner and the marshal's response to it.
Does ublock do this?
I thought it was that the guest in room one was doing some weird diaper/puppet sex shit and the prospective guest was no longer interested in the room.
But maybe that's a me problem.
Even ignoring the tires interacting with the road, you have air molecules. I don't think that would be enough to destroy a continent, but it would be very destructive.
Here is a cool What If? from xkcd about throwing a baseball at 0.9c.
I'll do what I can but I can't stop the zoomers from listening to Rogan any more than I could stop the boomers from listening to Limbaugh.
And better science refuted their junk science. What's your point?
Listen, of course I want a sandwich. I always want a sandwich. I just don't want to be the guy that tells you to make my totally-capable-of-making-my-own-damn-sandwich ass a sandwich, so I'm going to say "I'm alright", even if I'm starving because I've been gaming all day without eating.
If you want to make me a sandwich, just do it. If you put it in front of me it will be eaten. But I'm never going to tell you to do it.
(After a few years she figured it out and sandwiches just appear now.)
If that was remotely true half of lemmy would be in gitmo by now.
Absolutely. I'm not advocating keeping the current dipshits that cancel shows that would have been kept around as "prestige shows" a couple decades ago. I just don't want to see it get even worse by going harder on numbers alone.
I disagree.
Fuck this data driven bullshit. We need to return to a time where executives with a vision are empowered. We need to have decisions made by the kind of people who say things like "I know only 10% of people watch Mindhunters but that's the kind of show that brings people to our service".
If things stay the way they are get used to watching 7-8 seasons of mediocre lowest common denominator bullshit and having your favorite shows cancelled after one or two seasons.
Letterkenny. A couple of degens fucking a, possibly sick, ostrich - Allegedly - is a running joke.
You should watch it and it's spinoff, Shorsey.