Because Signal surely isn't based on works from 80s, yes.
I dunno, their take on Foundation is most attractive for me via thoughts of what could have been done with the same effort and funding and format, except being closer to the source and without glossiness and dizziness.
Why do we need that discussion, if it can be reduced to responsibility?
If something can be held responsible, then it can have all kinds of rights.
Then, of course, people making a decision to employ that responsible something in positions affecting lives are responsible for said decision.
I've read some weird paper about such an analog channel, where something quantum on both sides was used to create another analog signal used kinda as an encryption key. Stumbled upon it trying to understand some things about optics long ago.
I just took a short look at the JXTA specification ; JXTA is abandoned and this is the progress people are pursuing. So sad really.
I mean, yes, comfort is good, yes, this is like a device from Asimov's Foundation, but the problem is kinda solved by headphones already. And yes, it's cool.
(If someone doesn't know what JXTA is - it's Sun's standard for p2p applications, of the "progress of the past that was left unfinished and forgotten" kind, and looking at ZFS, which is a similarly comprehensive thing for filesystems, I have no doubts the world would be better were it finished.)
Finland technically doesn't have complete separation of religion from state and has a really proto-fascist set of state symbols, though, part from the Russian Empire, part from the White Guard.
Just since it's a functioning nation, these things don't affect it much.
Also unlike, say, Sweden, Finland never fully jumped on the multiculturalism train and such.
One can say honesty and true moderation make you happy.
I've never been in Finland, though, what I can say of why being in Estonia (not living there though) makes you feel happy - it's like Russia in my childhood (hard to explain), but clean and fixed and without tasteless expensive things everywhere (ugly malls, ugly decoration, ugly everything, people deciding on how things look nice in Russia have taste worse than average ; maybe in Moscow this is simply because people with money who moved there from outside think this is how things are done in Moscow, people don't just live here, it's a matter of prestige that a fscking barbershop should look like a mafia meeting place or Gringotts bank entrance, btw bank offices are actually kinda normal in appearance ; and places you need to actually visit are behind some unnumbered door under a leaking pipe). Still many bad things feel similar to Russia too, but that's likely just autistic experience.
People actually do arranged marriages. Wow.
They chose each other all right, an undiagnosed autist in denial raised with backwards Ukrainian village values (dad) and a narcissist (I suspect slightly retarded, in a medical sense, too) raised by pretty irresponsible parents who'd tell her how smart she is instead of teaching her something (mom).
And they wouldn't be such a bad combination, if my dad hadn't moved from a technical to a management position at some point, which affected his mental state negatively, and if my mom weren't anywhere near opportunities to worsen her narcissism (stupid conspirologic books helping her feel herself very smart, books on psychology, such stuff).
He says, maybe unintentionally, the right thing - personalities matter.
What if the whole of the 1980-2010 feeling of the world with some possible bright peaceful future were created by a few wonderful people and their companies?
Some of those companies died, and some of those people, and what are we now.
That's called a self-proving statement.
I can’t believe you worked a B5 ref into a discussion, much less operational differences between Vorlon and Shadow.
I'm technically not interested in any other kinds of discussions, but even explaining what this particular kind is takes work even from the closest people to me, so - compromises are to be made, weird posts are to be typed and sent.
Major difference even in the analogy is that Shadows actively and destructively sought control and withheld info whereas Vorlons manipulated by parceling out cryptic messages.
That's the "planted gods for the lesser races", "taught Minbari hyperspace travel", "sent that Inquisitor guy with nice former hobbies" kind of Vorlons, right? Very cryptic.
Removing filters from LLMs and training them on shitholes will have the expected result.
I'm glad we don't disagree.
It seems from the description that there's the length of the request there stored in 11 bits, hell knows why, so max of 2046 (682*3, that's 683*3 = 2049 if starting with 1), and one symbol takes an increment of 3, hell knows why.
That's, ahem, yes, a pretty gross mistake for such rhyming companies, the kind only I am allowed to make.
Before computing got poisoned.