It's pretty 1 to 1. Doesn't seem that hard at all
Yeah it's weird that the smartest communities are too dumb to leave reddit
What kind of chips?
Welcome to Lemmy! Have fun and be active, everyone appreciates it.
Because AI software isn't ground breaking and is actually useless
Pretty good so far it does get a little hot but never thermal throttles. Drivers for it on Linux are kind of poop right now. And I'm not sure if they forgot about it because they made a whole new driver and a whole new code base for their new b series cards so some games like marvel rivals still won't launch with the a series
Sorry I didn't check my inbox for 4 months but it's been treating me really well ish... The problem right now is the drivers on Linux aren't caught up so for some games like marvel rivals I have to use Windows to play even though marvel rivals works on Linux with any other card lol. I'm hopeful but the more I look into it makes me a little more scared because it seems they have two separate drivers and I'm not sure if they're updating the drivers for the a series anymore which they should it's not an old card it's just that they moved to a new driver a whole new code base but we'll see
Facts. I have a job right now where I work 8 hours Friday then 16 and 16 Saturday Sunday. But for the rest of the week I'm completely off I could do whatever I want.
I wish I didn't get removed just so I can see what it said
Mmm... Love me some slat lol