Man, Paradox really just burned every ounce of goodwill they had in mere months, huh? Skylines 2 being a disaster, and now cancelling this. Just unreal.
And guess what? They still had multiple versions! Ask any Link to the Past speedrunner. 1.0 is broken as hell!
I swear this company used to have its shit together.
I'll give OWL this: they took big swings. Some of them were big hits: I think that first season was really something special. Holding every event live at the Blizzard Arena allowed an organic culture to grow around the league. They had a cast of broadcasters that knew the game, and a broadcast package that looked modern, yet was easy to follow. I'm still split on the regional team names, since the format was always going to be more or less a "travelling roadshow", but there were people who definitely bought in because "well it's Philadelphia".
And yeah, some of this can be laid at the feet of the pandemic, but there were also a lot of mistakes made as well: putting roster roles in place on the pro level makes some sense, but forcing it into the game proper via Role Queue killed off a lot of the casual player base, which meant killing off your pool of viewers. The move to YouTube Live may have meant guaranteed revenue, but the viewership numbers never came close to what they were on Twitch. And, yeah, the absolute fumbling of Overwatch 2 hasn't helped either.
Glad to hear Minuum is still up and running. I couldn't get super comfortable with it, but I love the concept... and I still remember that first, awful announcement video with the poorly mixed vocals that made it sound like the founder's name was Will Wompwomp.
Ohh, that one was a masterpiece. It even included the original script, so you could read some of the stuff that got cut/rewritten.
Oh, it's more than PR. They get to donate your money and get the tax break for doing it.
115 hours, just notched the win yesterday (Happy Independence Day, Hyrule). Did all the main quest, cleared all the lightroots, but not all shrines yet. I have a lot more couch time coming up this week with a medical procedure tomorrow, so I'm planning on spending a lot of time cleaning up shrines, finishing side quests, etc. YOUR HAT WILL BE MINE, CECE.
Maaan, I remember the original Indigogo video that had the jacked up sound levels, so it sounded like the founder said his name was "Will Womwom".
But the tech was very cool, and I'm a little sad that it's been abandoned.