Ahhh... Sorry, of course there was the 2021 edition in between.... Ignore me... 🤣
That refers to the Edition, and all development up to January 2024 (rust 1.84) was edition 2018. With rust 1.85, Edition 2024 came out. Here is the news in Rust Edition 2024 https://doc.rust-lang.org/edition-guide/rust-2024/index.html , mostly details, so for effective rust everything for Rust 2018 should still be relevant.
Hey, there is a long tradition of banning evil math... even Pythagoras did it... But, I guess he at least had good reasons, irrational numbers are super creepy and deserved to be banned.
Yes, but then you wouldn't find the comment section there to read all the insightful comments.... /s
The response by Greg KH is also well worth reading:
And yes, date time handling is one of the most confusing areas on computer science. https://xkcd.com/2867/
I personally think Jiff is based on a very solid design, as it is inspired by Temporal, which is a TC39 proposal to improve datetime handling in JavaScript. I have done some date time handling with chrono, but I find jiff much easier to work with. So, I can recommend you take a serious look, and see if it makes your life easier for your use case. Now, it is only version 0.2, so the API might change before 1.0, but it seems to respect semver, so there shouldn't be any surprise breakage at least.
When I was in my 20:ies, I had my alarm clock at the other side of the room and still managed to oversleep. I ended up having it under my bed close to the wall, so I had to crawl in under my bed (quite narrow space) pressing my body to the cold floor to turn off the alarm... and I never managed to turn that off in my sleep. But I would have preferred a wake up call... so, even though I have never used the service when staying at a hotel, I can see why some people use it.
Not the creator, just posting
I think this would be a nice improvement to reduce boiler plate.
On an unrelated note, don't forget to sanitize your input.
At least he is to stand trial, in other countries they are just elected again and given a second attempt at the coup.