Not really the point of the article, but what do cpus like this mean for the hackintosh scene after Apple switching to their own arm chips?
Could you explain more on that last point? Sounds really interesting.
Importantly, this should mean that the phone can (finally) switch between ring/silent modes via software, something that android has had for ages. So now we can do super advanced stuff like… scheduling it. Yay.
High five on the way past.
What’s the name for that type of long lightbulb?
Also that they:
…have a “psychological impact” on “ordinary Russians” not affected by the war.
You could check brainfuck, which is designed for extreme minimalism, though not for usefulness (quite the opposite in fact).
Could someone explain? I live under a rock.
The deadly animals are from Australia, not New Zealand.
That could have done with a NSFL tag, that’s for sure.
Interesting, I’m from NZ but never seen one (I’m not an enthusiast though).
Cursed bellybutton.