
joined 2 years ago
[–] 29 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I don't remember any scenes in Mad Max where there was a happy rich person living in their perfectly intact mansion with servants and a well manicured lawn.

The solution to this problem isn't to ask a corrupt government to save you. They've already proven their word is worth jack by reversing policies of the previous administration. You should instead be trying everything possible to stop climate change. Including throwing money at the problem.

Whatever's left of society won't care that you're immune to lawsuits. People who have never seen a tomato don't care if you worked hard to get your fancy stuff. They're just hungry.

[–] 16 points 3 days ago

These should be investigated for autopen use. I feel certain Trump doesn't know what an ombudsmen is or how to spell it.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Call your senator to tell them to do what they already should be doing. This meaningful gesture will help them overcome the crisis of not knowing the basics of how to do their job. They're already aware of how you want them to vote, but they can't be stopped from doing the exact opposite unless one of their clerks can hear your sweet voice.

Seriously, your voice matters. Okay, it doesn't really, but calling them is the least you could do.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Wireshark is nice but TLS is going to make sniffing this difficult. Unless you MITM your traffic.

You could start by setting up a local webserver which you can watch the logs for. That let's you see the request and response without getting mastondon involved. Then start turning shit off. Software or hardware that might be doing it. Try with a different browser first because that rules out a bunch of things.

It the other browser is negative then start checking your extensions.

If its still positive after you've tried everything, move to a coffee shop and try again. That tells you if itsyourr home router or something else in your house.

Finally, if its still happening at the coffee shop it's 100% on your laptop.

Try booting a USB live boot image and see if you still have it.

[–] 9 points 1 week ago

Dude has a dartboard with allied country names and a second dartboard with 3rd grade insults, and I guess a third dartboard with the most disproportionate responses to problems diplomacy ever concocted.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago

I'm no federal judge, but I don't need to hear any arguments. Keep ICE out of schools.

You want to terrorize kids you can do it some other time, not while they're learning.

[–] 32 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Its more than just foreign relations.

The reason for continuous military, space, energy and other development isn't just to push the state of the art, and its not just a jobs program. If you stop building things you forget how. You can still build something but it won't be nearly as good because the people who learned the mistakes the first time around have all retired. Or in this case fired.

We will have at least a 4 year gap when this is over.

Switching gears, do you think infrastructure will be funded? Falling 4 more years behind in maintenance isn't going to do any favors. This includes federally maintained dams and bridges, but also levees for storm protection near the coasts. Trump will throw you some paper towels after the next hurricane, then withdraw funding for FEMA.

How about the EPA? Are they going to continue to handle superfund sites? No? Well you can expect some real problems from this to bear fruit in a couple of years. Lawsuits against manufacturers doesn't bring your home value back, or stop the cancers.

I'm mentioning these things because while people are seeing the damage done by alienating allies, and that is concerning to some, this doesn't matter to trumps base, who have a particularly America centric viewpoint.

People need to be aware that the problems he brings aren't just foreign and that if something doesn't change soon there will be nothing left of the America they knew.

[–] 16 points 3 weeks ago (7 children)

I will take away your healthcare.

I will take away your job.

I will take away your children.

I'll take away your children's protection from preventable diseases.

I'll ruin your children's education by firing most of the oversight and hiring an unqualified person to run the department of education.

I'll cause the things you need to buy to widely fluctuate in price due to tarrifs or the threat of tarrifs.

I'll undermine the government so much they can't get rid of me or my cohorts.

And also I'll boil your teeth. That was a fun one too.

[–] 17 points 3 weeks ago

It used to be fully funded with the money paid into it. Your current contributions are supposed to be paying for your future security.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (5 children)

Just use something else on mobile. I use mull (until it becomes insecure because I think they stopped working on it) and fennec.

Fennec supports extensions and syncing so it should be okay for most use cases.

[–] 33 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

If its all normal shit that is totally needed to operate then why didn't they need an agreement before now?

[–] 24 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

America does have this actually. I think at one point in about 10 years ago it was like $500k. I believe they raised it to something higher but it was less than $5m though.

Trump probably either didn't know because the law doesn't apply to him, or this is just a fee increase disguised as a new program his sycophants will applaud.

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