I probably get a little too invested in how my journal looks but for me that's part of the process. I create digital art journal pages so I can rearrange and resize things until I like the way they look.
I keep everything in chronological order and usually just put the review on a different coloured background. I like the idea that my opinion of a book is coloured by whatever else is going on in my life so keeping it in order makes sense and it means I can explain to myself why a re-read might hit different later.
I have a digital scrapbook for a journal though so things are easy to insert and re-sort compared to a paper notebook.
That's a good point. I have a set of random smiley-faced magnets that came from somewhere like Para Rubber or an Asian import shop. The only problem with those is they're usually packaged so you can't test them on the shelving to see how strong they are.
You could always buy the touristy ones and get the kidlets to paint over them 😉
I use a different app for the layout, but I count messing about with it as a separate hobby. I find it relaxing by itself so it’s become an important part of the process.