Hello grease monkey and no script, my old friends
They can't stop people from hosting private servers or creating protocols for bypassing restrictions. And even if they did, things like SSH and remote desktop would be completely useless, but those are necessary for maintaining even the corporate web.
Okay I see now, that's a good deal of nuance.
One more bad analogy, it's like browsing private video game servers.
There's several websites that host lists of Minecraft Servers, some are hidden from those lists due to various reasons.
A federated video game like VR Chat or Minecraft would be incredible. You could probably do that last one with a server plugin.
I like my instantce
Which server do you want to use is like asking "Do you want Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo for email?" it really isn't that big of a deal, but maybe people these days have a hard time doing that too...
"mom tells infant to 'cut it out' more at 6"
You gremlin lmao
God please if there's one pissing match the Orange Terror gets into it better be nuclear energy.
Genuine question, was it ever anything more than a bunch of 4chaners and script kiddies?
I hate finding out how my great grandparents felt in the early 1900's -- so ironic their children couldn't care less about repeating history
Anyone who knows anything about history has seen this story before
That time was like 20 years ago, dude