its just fancy decoration i reckon
do it by taste. most coffee has a grind size cliff of bitterness and you have to stay coarser than that for best results. rarely, you may find one that is great no matter the grind.
the horse puckey is here today!
on the nod
i dont remember much sanewashing in the media, maybe i consume biased media but pretty much everything i saw said tarrifs were likely to cause recession.
egg cartons coming in 3x4? relatively rare in these parts.
Orphan-Crushing Machine
do they give copilot the prescription pad as well?
i sometimes like to do a filtered french press type setup, mix boiled water and coffee, let steep, then pour through a sieve into a filter over my cup. makes a muddy brew thats kinda dinery and very fullbodied compared to my normal pourover.
I was making cold brew with that oxo system for some years. Its very low maintenance and easy to do. Only gripe I really have is the narrowing taper on the glass, which means i had quite a lot of near misses almost dropping it. Put a rubber band around the glass for anti-slip and its great.
IIRC I was doing 100g of coffee and 600ml of water for around 20hr steep. Makes a concentrate but I was personally just drinking straight shots of it occasionally ^_^
if you find you are clogging a lot but the taste is good and you just want to clog less, try minimizing agitation (and disturbance of the coffee bed by overagressive pouring). keeping the bed 'intact' keeps the fines in the matrix rather than migrating them to the filter