
joined 2 years ago
[–] 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Depends what you mean, Steam is not DRM, most of the game is sells don't have DRM. However Steam API has a DRM feature that developers can use of they choose to.

So what do you mean?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Steady on Buck Rogers, what is this, 2025!?

[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Rubicon (2010), it's a proper spy thriller based on intelligence analysts as opposed to field agents.

Unfortunately it got canned early, but I loved the story and writing, I have a feeling the show was a little too close to home, but that's a whole other conspiracy theory...

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

Moonlighting is the greatest!

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Adam Curtis calls is 'oh-dearism'

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Neverwinter Nights: there's a new DLC released based on Icewwind Dale which caught my eye so I'm phasing through the beginning campaign first.

I love CRPGs and Dungeons and Dragons but never played this before.

It's OK, plays fine in my PC, Beamdog did the Enhanced Edition treatment on it.

The story is interesting enough but I'm finding that the game is filled with fighting for the sake of it.

I'm not sure I have the patience but I would be interested to try some of the community expansions, someone even remade Eye of the Beholder I & II

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Is this like Ready or Not? I went for Ground Branch instead and was disappointed that it seems like abandon ware.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

"It's for a friend"

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Is this a different guy from Florida Man?

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

RetroDeck is the best way in my opinion.

It differes from other solutions as it creates a containered application to run all your emulators.

This means everything is kept tidy isolated from the rest of your system under RetroDeck, if you have any errors it's simple to wipe and start again without losing your ROMs, its simple to try new systems in the future.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

I love my PSP Go, such an awesome emulation machine

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Nice, thanks for getting back to us

Fallout 4 (
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

So I figured it's about time I gave this game a shot.

I'm familiar with the series, but never really loved it, have played all previous titles but most of my time is on F3 and FNV.

I think the reason why I didn't pick this up earlier was because I didn't feel like going further into the Fallout universe, it felt like Bethesda were milking the golden cow.

Of course I'm trying it now as I picked it up cheap and the TV series has come along, of which in almost at the end of. It very much feels like the TV show is Fallout 4 on TV, but then I've never played F76.

The game is nice, very familiar to what I remember of F3 and FNV, I wonder how open it is with the perks system, or will I have to put levels into gunplay at some point?

I'm trying to stick to the main quest to start with, I've helped out the Minutemen, and then made a b-line to Diamond City before setting off to find the private detective so still pretty early on. Dogmeat is a fine companion for the road.

Any tips or suggesting for a good start, and play through?

There is a patch landing at the end of the month, so I haven't experimented with any mods just yet.


Specifically, whose story am I playing?

I'm playing two games at the moment, a single player run through as a custom character, and a coop run-through as Wyl in the second player slot.

I've noticed that in coop I get a lot of story if I instigated chats with NPCs or scripted events even while sleeping at camps.

How will the game end in this way, will player one and player two get two endings?

In my single player playthrough, if I decided to move Gael to my first character slot and control him would I get a Gael playthrough instead of my custom character? Would that mean there's no point in starting as Gael as an origin character?

Does anyone know the difference here?


So I'm familiar with DOS: EE and the element mechanics of combat, but I'm not sure if that applies to DnD 5e.

But last night I threw a fireball cantrip at a group of goblins standing in grease, and what do you know but the whole gang go up in flames!

Does anyone know of other great spell or skill combinations you can use, especially to deal with groups?

Also what are your go-to combat setups?

I'm currently running a Druid, Cleric, Warlock, Fighter so if you can think of combinations from those classes that would be great too.

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