Every post I see on here makes me glad I spend the minimal amount of time on LinkedIn possible - my work has a LinkedIn Learning license and we’re periodically required to take specific courses on there.
I hope he doesn’t have any more health scares
Is Steve a turkish van kitty?
Good on him for getting paid, especially getting paid so much more than what he’s actually worth.
It’s silly though to spend this much money for one year of any quarterback not named Pat Mahomes though.
Always feels hilarious seeing this screencap from Survivor: Gabon pop in random places.
My earworm is whichever song is playing in a public space I’m in. I’m physically incapable of tuning out music & most sounds in public spaces.
I’m very thankful that my boss doesn’t mind me wearing noise cancelling headphones while I’m at my desk.
I bring earbuds with me to the grocery store & the mall. I’m glad I don’t have to ride the bus all the time and listen to other peoples music & tiktok videos.
We have a street named Kobayashi. Not after a Japanese astronaut, but rather after a rice farmer who came over in the late 1800s or early 1900s to teach rice farming to the locals.
Are they still working on editing the last few episodes in the season?
I’m on atomoxetine (a non-stimulant). I asked my psychiatrist about shortages, and she said it’s really only an issue for the stimulant based medications.
I first heard the name Tom Caruana when I got into listening to Professor Elemental a while back. Tom has no small amount of talent as an artist.
it's a run-of-the-mill stinky person, plain and simple...
Bingo. Some people are just stinky jerks who care nothing for cleanliness or hygiene.
If he kept his boot bands on then he’s still straight