Damn, it's almost like the people that still reddit are the ones you wouldn't want here in the first place
Yeah I feel my family is one, my wife is even a trainee nurse and hasn't brought it home, even once she sat next to a classmate for 4hrs who was clearly symptomatic with no mask, kids classes at school have been filled with it, and it's gone through all my work colleagues, still none of us have tested positive yet
Umm, it's mentioned in the linked article, pancreatic cancer
Have you got a real world example that is not on the web/social media?
In my experience, the world is not run by NT folks, and if you're being yelled at as an adult that person doing the yelling is certainly not NT.
As I've gotten older I have come to realise everyone is dealing with something, whether it's a diagnosable condition or not. As an example my wife has anxiety with OCD thrown in, my daughter probably inherited both, my son has some ASD tendencies, my MIL is the biggest narcacist and a complete A-Hole, her partner is a functioning alcoholic with his own issues. Then my mum is likely got mild anxiety, as well as my little brother, older brother has anger issues as well as my father. All this is to say externally you would consider everyone I just mentioned NT, my wife is the only one that has been diagnosed with anything
I'm living in Dublin and even here folks from mainland Europe complain about the lack of non-car related infrastructure, but friends of ours from Indiana absolutely loved being able to get around for the most part without a car. They repeatedly mentioned things like sidewalks just not existing in many places, which seems crazy to me, everywhere I've lived has at least been pedestrian friendly enough.
I feel like the communication from reddit was done on purpose so that the 3rd party app devs didn't have the time to put things in place, how cool would it have been if come 1st July the app just points to a different service, with a note saying the app is being renamed and using a different website for content
Git extensions, have been using it for years, and while the UI is not flashy, it gets the job done really really well.
Blind is full of a certain type who are obsessed with net worth and superficial career goals, not surprised in the slightest