Buy your local Hamiltonian a drink?
Didn't we all start buying french's when Heinz closed their Canadian facilities a few years ago? Thought that was a thing but didn't follow it that closely. My wife and mother in law have both insisted on buying french's since then.
You're never going to compete with the American military industrial machine. Nukes are the best deterrent
Driving me nuts, they're using it to attack Trudeau and say he's a poor negotiator... You're talking about negotiating with an unhinged gorilla holding a gun.
Yeah this is gonna do nothing
They need someone with labour roots to win back the blue collar vote.
They're YouTube videos, gotta get that traction
I mean it's just blatantly obvious who is in charge of this country
You get an hour after work? It's dark by 4:30ish most of the winter in Ontario
As opposed to 4 am? Who cares at that point
Her story sounds very farfetched but yeah they had a duty to investigate this properly. When they didn't do their job reasonable doubt sets in.
Doot doot