In 20 years I’ve been contacted directly once for a specific bug in an Apple application.
I send feedback a couple of times a year.
In 20 years I’ve been contacted directly once for a specific bug in an Apple application.
I send feedback a couple of times a year.
I see Jellyfin suggested as an alternative to Plex here. I hope it is one day.
At the moment it’s nowhere close.
I’ve been running Jellyfin side-by-side Plex for two years and it’s still not a viable replacement for anyone but me. Parents, my partner, none of the possible solutions for them come anywhere near close to the usability of Plex and its ecosystem of apps for various devices.
That will likely change because plex is getting worse every day and folks can contribute their own solutions to the playback issues. With plex it’s more noise, more useless features. So one gets better (Jellyfin) and one gets worse (Plex).
But at the moment it really isn’t close for most folks who are familiar with the slickness of commercial apps.
Even from the administrative side, Jellyfin takes massively more system resources and it doesn’t reliably work with all my files.
Again, Jellyfin will get there it’s just not a drop in replacement for most folks yet.
And for context I started my DIY streaming / hosting life with a first gen Apple TV (pretty much a Mac mini with component video outs) that eventually got XBMC and then Boxee installed on it. I even have the forksaken Boxee box.
I’m not defending them because it’s a shit move, but they clearly understand the most valuable feature is not their ad-ridden free content but rather the original value prop of the service to make it easy to share personal media with small groups of friends.
We use NGINX’s 444 on every LLM crawler we see.
Caddy has a similar “close connection” option called “abort” as part of the static response.
HAProxy has the “silent-drop” option which also closes the TCP connection silently.
I’ve found crawling attempts end more quickly using this option - especially attacks - but my sample size is relatively small.
Edit: we do this because too often we’ve seen them ignore robots.txt. They believe all data is theirs. I do not.
Regen isn’t on all the time, but the regen gearing causes very high drag. It’s a side effect of how the motor is designed. In order to cruise as if it could freewheel with no drag, the motor controller has to feed it a low amount of power when not pedalling. About 20W-30W depending on the speed.
But the motor is also much larger than most e-bike motors (1200W continuous with a much higher peak) - additionally the battery is double the size of most e-bike batteries (also ~1200W/hr).
So in addition to the drag - lots of extra weight.
I have an e-bike I use for commuting and groceries.
It’s very very heavy when not powered and it has a ton of drag (because of the regenerative braking). It’s brutal to pedal without assist even though I’m an avid cyclist who spends most of my time on non-e-bikes.
Depending on the kind of bike it was - and her level of fitness - there could be multiple problems or issues that resulted in her being stranded.
There’s an easy answer here, that e-bikes used in the outback/wilderness should have adequate bail-out gearing.
You’re right. My bad. Will edit.
You’re right though and I should not have used “totem pole”. Old habits..
I’m with you on all those points. Loblaws is theft of a different kind and to your most important point: these stores have made it impossible for smaller stores to exist - so I also get that you might not have a choice.
And thanks for responding so kindly. Appreciate you.
My perspective here, to share, is that I don’t understand the hard time others are having. Not that I can’t understand - but rather that I am not in their shoes. I’ve been trying to cut all workers slack because they’re also trapped in a system and we’re powerful if we stick together - so forgive me if I also forgot to empathize with you.
I have to ask - how did you think a cashier can help with your request?
I’m not trying to be a jerk here, but cashiers are pretty low on the corporate ladder at Loblaws. If you knew it wasn’t their job, what were you looking for and what did you want in response?
I don’t shop at Loblaws. We’ve been shopping locally since the boycott last May.
But one of the things worth considering is what we expect of each other. Was one person’s rudeness reflective of everyone else who works somewhere?
There are so many way we can work together to make our communities and country stronger. Not shopping at Loblaws can be one of them. But for this reason? I’m sorry, it just seems strained and unusual.
Edited to remove racist euphemism.
I’m sorry but I I have to agree
But that’s exactly my point - we here in this bubble prefer Jellyfin - but it’s not ready for mass adoption. Even plex is a drop in the bucket.