Wanbli gulped as she looked down at the giant prick now angled at her pussy.
Gabe stood at the back of the room struggling to see past John who was quite a bit taller. Accidentally bumping into him John turned around and shouted. "Oh Gabe wants a front row seat." Grabbing the smaller boy he pulled him in front of him and rested his elbow on his head.
Gabe now had a perfect view.
"Brady." Said Jackson. "When you're ready."
Lowering himself slowly Brady grabbed his cock and rubbed it on Wanbli's pussy, teasing her.
"Uh!" Started Wanbli. A shocked look of sudden pleasure swept across her face.
"Uh oh!" Shouted Destiny. "She likes it!"
Rubbing a bit more Brady slowly moved his dick around until finally.
"AHHHHHH!" Screamed Wanbli as she felt the man's large cock enter her tiny pussy. Then slowly inch by inch scream by scream Brady pushed. Wanbli's face contorted as she reached out to grab onto Brady's arms, but he grabbed both her hands and held them above her head with one hand as he continued to push and push.
Then he started slowly pumping in and out. The room was entranced by the small girls cries, as Brady started fucking her harder and harder and harder. Wanbli moaned deeply as Brady's hips rocked back and forth back and forth cock sliding in and out. It was poetry.
Until Brady decided the pleasantries were over. Releasing her hands he grabbed both of Wanbli's legs pulling both her ankles up to her head with one hand.
Wanbli's eyes got huge as she let out a loud gasp her whole body shaking as Brady started fucking her harder and harder. Until his hips were smacking against her as he jack rabbited up and down trying to fit his full length inside her. Brady reached his free hand back and smacked her firm ass he plowed her still tight pussy.
After what seemed like an eternity to Gabe, Brady finally pulled out of his girlfriend. Only to reposition his new toy on her hands and knees, now facing the crowd of spectators Wanbli let out another gasp as Brady shoved himself inside of her.
"I'd like to thank you all." Started Brady while fucking Wanbli's little body. "For the best birthday ever."
"Wait what?..." Thought Gabe.
"But I'm going to need some privacy with my fuck doll now. You understand?" He said grabbing her hips ramming his dick further and further.
"Alright." Said Jackson with a smile. "You heard the man everyone. Let's give these lovebirds some space."
As the room cleared out Gabe just stood and stared at the man fucking his girlfriend. Haley grabbed his hand and pulled him away. "No need to stick around silly. If I know Brady your girlfriend is going to be busy most of the night." She said skipping happily down the hallway.
Gabe followed, stopping in the kitchen to get himself a drink. When he stepped into the living room he saw Destiny was now fully naked, fucking Jackson on the couch...
Once again envy got to him... He remembered the beginning of the night how he fantasized coming here tonight and somehow fucking her.
To their left Meredith had John's pants pulled down sucking his cock.
Haley appeared to his right all of the sudden. Gabe turned to her, but she spoke before he could. "Look kid. You got beat. You're not fucking Destiny, you're not fucking me, and some other dude with a way bigger dick is fucking your girlfriend. I understand you're probably horny though, and I sorta feel bad for you so come with me."
They walked on the warped floor back to the bedroom. Peeking through the crack he saw his girlfriend riding Brady's massive cock moaning with a huge smile on her face, dimples and all.
Ducking into the bathroom Haley instructed Gabe to take off all his clothes and lay in the bathtub.
"Okay. Here's some lotion. I'm going to get into my underwear, you can masturbate to me, but you can't touch me."
Haley undressed showing a nice heart shaped ass and bigger boobs than Gabe expected, covered by matching white pink frilled panties.
Defeated Gabe stroked his cock to Haley with the sound of his girlfriend getting fucked in the other room until he reached pathetic orgasm.
"Well, night champ." Haley said, picking up her clothes and turning off the light as she went out the door.
Gabe listened for hours to his girlfriend getting pounded. Until he got used to it, and the sound of her moaning until it lulled him to sleep.
Caught up in conversation with our driver, I look back to see John and J making out in the back seat with his hands in between her legs which were spread wide open and grinding into his fingers. I was shocked, pissed off, confused, drunk, and turned on all at the same time and I couldn't make sense of all the feelings. What confused me was J didn't have any underwear on and I swore that she did when we went out for the evening. Shocked and confused and me being the beta that I was just looked forward and didn't say a word for the rest of the short car ride. What was a kick in the balls was when the driver told me I needed to find a girlfriend like that "pretty girl in the backseat." I mumbled to myself under my breath as we pulled up to one of the nicer hotels in town.
When we got out of the taxi, I immediately opened the back seat door and pulled J out. Her face was a mess with lipstick smeared and her hair was a bit disheveled. "Babe.......I'm sorry. I'm just so drunk and...John's so hot. Can we please have that threesome we talked about...?"
I don't know what it was. Maybe it was the way she was pleading with her big doe eyes or maybe the confusing half erection I had in my pants but I couldn't say anything to her--I just didn't have any words to say.
"See? I told you he'd be ok with it. Right buddy?" John said with a smirk as he reached out with a closed fist with something in his hands. He dropped the object it and I instinctively reached out to snatch it up. As I unraveled the object, John snatched J away and began walking towards his hotel. I turned to follow them but was also curious as to what John just dropped into my hands. I was drunk so it took a few seconds but I realized I was holding J's black panties that she had put on earlier in the evening. What really fucked me up was that there was a patch of wetness at the crotch. He has been turning her on this whole evening and he knew it--and he wanted me to know it.
I followed them into the hotel but by then they were way ahead of me. I saw the elevator closing just as I walked up to it and tried to open the door by quickly pressing the button. But instead of the same elevator door opening, an elevator behind me opened. I quickly ran in.
"Shit. What floor is he staying on?"
I run back out and see that the elevator they used stopped on the top floor labeled "PH" for penthouse, I presumed. What a prick.
I ran back into the second elevator just as the door was closing and pressed the PH button. The button didn't light up. I pressed it again--nothing. I ran to the front desk and told the lady at the concierge that the elevator wasn't working.
"Did you swipe your key?"
"Well, no. I don't have one."
"I'm sorry...are you a guest here, sir?"
"No my girlfriend is here."
"Your girlfriend is staying here, sir? Is she expecting you?"
"Well no, she's--she's visiting a friend."
"Who's that?"
"John, tall with dark hair and light eyes. In town for a job interview, he's a doctor."
"Ohhhh...", I could notice a change in her demeanor. Wasn't that him that just went up with some woman?
"Yeah that was my girlfriend"
"That.......was your girlfriend??" I could tell, she was jut as confused as I was as I'm sure J was rubbing up on him as she stumbled into the hotel.
"Well, to be honest, this is a bit strange so let me call up and see if Mr. John is ok with me letting you up."
I can't believe I was literally waiting in the lobby of a hotel while my girlfriend was up with some asshole in his hotel room and I couldn't get up there with them. I should text her. I looked at my phone. I had a text from J from a few minutes ago.
"Where are you?"
I furiously type back "the elevator is locked!! Tell John to let me up!"
A bubble with 3 little dots pop up...a picture comes through. It's a picture of a trail of clothes on the floor, J's clothes. The last piece of clothing was her bra and the photo cut off at the foot of the bed.
"You're a little late bud."
"So Mr. John says you're free to go, just get into the elevator and I'll override the security for you, sir."
I get into the elevator and ride it for the longest 30 seconds of my life. I had a pit in my stomach and my whole body was slick with sweat but for some reason it felt like I was turned on. This was the first time I ever felt this way and I was so confused but aroused. As soon as the elevator door opened I heard it. They weren't even trying to hide it. There were just two doors on that floor on opposite sides of the hallway and only one was cracked open. John must have opened it because he knew I was coming up.
As I walked closer I could hear flesh slapping and somebody squealing. It sounded like J but at the same time, it sounded nothing like her when we had sex. It was like the sex was overwhelming her or something. It was so loud that I remember thinking that I was a bit worried for J's safety. I walked closer and the noises got louder. I heard their voices.
"Does he fuck you like this?"
"Unh-Unh-Unhhh-oh godddd john-god"
"I said, does he fuck you like this?" A slapping noise. More squealing.
"Unh-Unh-Unh-Godddd fuck!!"
"Answer my question you little slut or I'm sending you home."
"Oh god--please John. No he doesn't--OH FUCK!! You're so--unh--deep!! AHHH!!"
"Sounds like I'm bigger than him too then huh?"
At this point I get to the door and I slowly push it open. And to this day it's a memory that I will never get out of my head. J was on the edge of the bed on all fours with her head in the mattress and back arched up and pointed towards John. John was standing behind her at the foot of the bed towering over her and slamming his cock into my girlfriend. As he pulled out, I could tell that he had a huge cock--maybe 9 inches or so and THICK. It was probably 3x bigger than my thin 5 inch cock. It would glisten for a moment before he slammed it deep right back into J. This happened again and again and again as J was making noises that I never heard her make before.
"You're what? Tell your boyfriend J". He pulled her hair which pulled her whole head back. I could see her face now. He rotated her head towards me but kept pounding into her while pulling on her hair. I thought this kind of sex only happened in porn.
J looked at me with almost apologetic and pleading eyes with her mouth open as if she wanted to say something--sorry maybe. Her mouth and face moved as if she wanted to say something too but nothing came out, almost as if she was trying to catch her breath. I saw her eyes go from looking at me to rolling into the back of her head. Finally it happened.
"---AHHHHHHHHHHH OH GOD I'M COMING." John rammed himself deep into J and held it there while pulling her hair back. Her body contorted and flailed around almost involuntarily as her body was making noises that I've never heard, almost like there was a wetness inside of her. It sounded like J was literally screaming at the top of her lungs for what seemed like 5 seconds straight before she collapsed on the bed while parts of her legs and arms would slightly spasm uncontrollably. I guess in all that was happening, I didn't see John come but he must have finished deep inside J at the same time.
I just stared at them for what felt like eternity taking in what just happened as they lay there motionless. I don't know who moved first but when John got off of J, I realized I was no longer standing and watching, I was on my knees with tears welling up in my eyes. J laid there motionless as John began to put on his clothes. He didn't really acknowledge my presence as he began gathering up J's clothes and belongings from the floor. He opened the door, and the noise shocked me back to reality.
"Bud. If J wants her clothes, I'll be in the room across the hall. This whole floor is mine for the rest of the night." Wow. What a prick.
He shut the lights off, closed the door and I heard his footsteps walk across the hall, a door opening, slamming closed, and then silence. I sat there for the longest time wondering what just happened, how I let that happen, and what we do from here.
I was absolutely livid at J. But who could I blame but myself for letting this happen and for not giving her what she's needed for the past two years. Still, I was upset and didn't want to even look at her or touch her and decided to jut stay there on the floor sulking. Finally, after what was maybe an hour or so, I crawled into bed behind J. She snuggled her back into me and pulled my arm across me and we just lay there.
"I'm sorry baby."
"No. It's ok, J. Don't say anything now..."
I could hear almost regret and sadness in her voice and it killed me.
"I just don't know what came over me...it was the alcohol and our sex hasn't been the best and...oh god i'm so sorry..."
J was crying now. I let her cry for a while until she ran out of tears.
"I love you", I said to her.
"You do?" She asked almost with a glitter of hope in her eyes.
"Yes babe."
I don't know what came over me but at that point in time I realized I had a hard on. Apparently so did J because she grabbed it and started slowly stroking.
"Please babe I'll do anything for you. Please just forgive me and take me back. It was a mistake and I love you so much."
She didn't know this but she already had me in the palm of her hands. I was still hers and this evening had awoken a part of me that I always knew was there but wasn't sure about. But now I knew.