
joined 2 years ago
[–] thebigideaguy 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Caught up in conversation with our driver, I look back to see John and J making out in the back seat with his hands in between her legs which were spread wide open and grinding into his fingers. I was shocked, pissed off, confused, drunk, and turned on all at the same time and I couldn't make sense of all the feelings. What confused me was J didn't have any underwear on and I swore that she did when we went out for the evening. Shocked and confused and me being the beta that I was just looked forward and didn't say a word for the rest of the short car ride. What was a kick in the balls was when the driver told me I needed to find a girlfriend like that "pretty girl in the backseat." I mumbled to myself under my breath as we pulled up to one of the nicer hotels in town.

When we got out of the taxi, I immediately opened the back seat door and pulled J out. Her face was a mess with lipstick smeared and her hair was a bit disheveled. "Babe.......I'm sorry. I'm just so drunk and...John's so hot. Can we please have that threesome we talked about...?"

I don't know what it was. Maybe it was the way she was pleading with her big doe eyes or maybe the confusing half erection I had in my pants but I couldn't say anything to her--I just didn't have any words to say.

"See? I told you he'd be ok with it. Right buddy?" John said with a smirk as he reached out with a closed fist with something in his hands. He dropped the object it and I instinctively reached out to snatch it up. As I unraveled the object, John snatched J away and began walking towards his hotel. I turned to follow them but was also curious as to what John just dropped into my hands. I was drunk so it took a few seconds but I realized I was holding J's black panties that she had put on earlier in the evening. What really fucked me up was that there was a patch of wetness at the crotch. He has been turning her on this whole evening and he knew it--and he wanted me to know it.

I followed them into the hotel but by then they were way ahead of me. I saw the elevator closing just as I walked up to it and tried to open the door by quickly pressing the button. But instead of the same elevator door opening, an elevator behind me opened. I quickly ran in.

"Shit. What floor is he staying on?"

I run back out and see that the elevator they used stopped on the top floor labeled "PH" for penthouse, I presumed. What a prick.

I ran back into the second elevator just as the door was closing and pressed the PH button. The button didn't light up. I pressed it again--nothing. I ran to the front desk and told the lady at the concierge that the elevator wasn't working.

"Did you swipe your key?"

"Well, no. I don't have one."

"I'm sorry...are you a guest here, sir?"

"No my girlfriend is here."

"Your girlfriend is staying here, sir? Is she expecting you?"

"Well no, she's--she's visiting a friend."

"Who's that?"

"John, tall with dark hair and light eyes. In town for a job interview, he's a doctor."

"Ohhhh...", I could notice a change in her demeanor. Wasn't that him that just went up with some woman?

"Yeah that was my girlfriend"

"That.......was your girlfriend??" I could tell, she was jut as confused as I was as I'm sure J was rubbing up on him as she stumbled into the hotel.

"Well, to be honest, this is a bit strange so let me call up and see if Mr. John is ok with me letting you up."

I can't believe I was literally waiting in the lobby of a hotel while my girlfriend was up with some asshole in his hotel room and I couldn't get up there with them. I should text her. I looked at my phone. I had a text from J from a few minutes ago.

"Where are you?"

I furiously type back "the elevator is locked!! Tell John to let me up!"

A bubble with 3 little dots pop up...a picture comes through. It's a picture of a trail of clothes on the floor, J's clothes. The last piece of clothing was her bra and the photo cut off at the foot of the bed.

"You're a little late bud."


"So Mr. John says you're free to go, just get into the elevator and I'll override the security for you, sir."

I get into the elevator and ride it for the longest 30 seconds of my life. I had a pit in my stomach and my whole body was slick with sweat but for some reason it felt like I was turned on. This was the first time I ever felt this way and I was so confused but aroused. As soon as the elevator door opened I heard it. They weren't even trying to hide it. There were just two doors on that floor on opposite sides of the hallway and only one was cracked open. John must have opened it because he knew I was coming up.

As I walked closer I could hear flesh slapping and somebody squealing. It sounded like J but at the same time, it sounded nothing like her when we had sex. It was like the sex was overwhelming her or something. It was so loud that I remember thinking that I was a bit worried for J's safety. I walked closer and the noises got louder. I heard their voices.

"Does he fuck you like this?"

"Unh-Unh-Unhhh-oh godddd john-god"

"I said, does he fuck you like this?" A slapping noise. More squealing.

"Unh-Unh-Unh-Godddd fuck!!"

"Answer my question you little slut or I'm sending you home."

"Oh god--please John. No he doesn't--OH FUCK!! You're so--unh--deep!! AHHH!!"

"Sounds like I'm bigger than him too then huh?"

At this point I get to the door and I slowly push it open. And to this day it's a memory that I will never get out of my head. J was on the edge of the bed on all fours with her head in the mattress and back arched up and pointed towards John. John was standing behind her at the foot of the bed towering over her and slamming his cock into my girlfriend. As he pulled out, I could tell that he had a huge cock--maybe 9 inches or so and THICK. It was probably 3x bigger than my thin 5 inch cock. It would glisten for a moment before he slammed it deep right back into J. This happened again and again and again as J was making noises that I never heard her make before.


"You're what? Tell your boyfriend J". He pulled her hair which pulled her whole head back. I could see her face now. He rotated her head towards me but kept pounding into her while pulling on her hair. I thought this kind of sex only happened in porn.

J looked at me with almost apologetic and pleading eyes with her mouth open as if she wanted to say something--sorry maybe. Her mouth and face moved as if she wanted to say something too but nothing came out, almost as if she was trying to catch her breath. I saw her eyes go from looking at me to rolling into the back of her head. Finally it happened.

"---AHHHHHHHHHHH OH GOD I'M COMING." John rammed himself deep into J and held it there while pulling her hair back. Her body contorted and flailed around almost involuntarily as her body was making noises that I've never heard, almost like there was a wetness inside of her. It sounded like J was literally screaming at the top of her lungs for what seemed like 5 seconds straight before she collapsed on the bed while parts of her legs and arms would slightly spasm uncontrollably. I guess in all that was happening, I didn't see John come but he must have finished deep inside J at the same time.

I just stared at them for what felt like eternity taking in what just happened as they lay there motionless. I don't know who moved first but when John got off of J, I realized I was no longer standing and watching, I was on my knees with tears welling up in my eyes. J laid there motionless as John began to put on his clothes. He didn't really acknowledge my presence as he began gathering up J's clothes and belongings from the floor. He opened the door, and the noise shocked me back to reality.

"Bud. If J wants her clothes, I'll be in the room across the hall. This whole floor is mine for the rest of the night." Wow. What a prick.

He shut the lights off, closed the door and I heard his footsteps walk across the hall, a door opening, slamming closed, and then silence. I sat there for the longest time wondering what just happened, how I let that happen, and what we do from here.

I was absolutely livid at J. But who could I blame but myself for letting this happen and for not giving her what she's needed for the past two years. Still, I was upset and didn't want to even look at her or touch her and decided to jut stay there on the floor sulking. Finally, after what was maybe an hour or so, I crawled into bed behind J. She snuggled her back into me and pulled my arm across me and we just lay there.

"I'm sorry baby."

"No. It's ok, J. Don't say anything now..."

I could hear almost regret and sadness in her voice and it killed me.

"I just don't know what came over was the alcohol and our sex hasn't been the best and...oh god i'm so sorry..."

J was crying now. I let her cry for a while until she ran out of tears.

"I love you", I said to her.

"You do?" She asked almost with a glitter of hope in her eyes.

"Yes babe."

I don't know what came over me but at that point in time I realized I had a hard on. Apparently so did J because she grabbed it and started slowly stroking.

"Please babe I'll do anything for you. Please just forgive me and take me back. It was a mistake and I love you so much."

She didn't know this but she already had me in the palm of her hands. I was still hers and this evening had awoken a part of me that I always knew was there but wasn't sure about. But now I knew.

[–] thebigideaguy 2 points 2 years ago

Wanbli gulped as she looked down at the giant prick now angled at her pussy.

Gabe stood at the back of the room struggling to see past John who was quite a bit taller. Accidentally bumping into him John turned around and shouted. "Oh Gabe wants a front row seat." Grabbing the smaller boy he pulled him in front of him and rested his elbow on his head.

Gabe now had a perfect view.

"Brady." Said Jackson. "When you're ready."

Lowering himself slowly Brady grabbed his cock and rubbed it on Wanbli's pussy, teasing her.

"Uh!" Started Wanbli. A shocked look of sudden pleasure swept across her face.

"Uh oh!" Shouted Destiny. "She likes it!"

Rubbing a bit more Brady slowly moved his dick around until finally.

"AHHHHHH!" Screamed Wanbli as she felt the man's large cock enter her tiny pussy. Then slowly inch by inch scream by scream Brady pushed. Wanbli's face contorted as she reached out to grab onto Brady's arms, but he grabbed both her hands and held them above her head with one hand as he continued to push and push.

Then he started slowly pumping in and out. The room was entranced by the small girls cries, as Brady started fucking her harder and harder and harder. Wanbli moaned deeply as Brady's hips rocked back and forth back and forth cock sliding in and out. It was poetry.

Until Brady decided the pleasantries were over. Releasing her hands he grabbed both of Wanbli's legs pulling both her ankles up to her head with one hand.

Wanbli's eyes got huge as she let out a loud gasp her whole body shaking as Brady started fucking her harder and harder. Until his hips were smacking against her as he jack rabbited up and down trying to fit his full length inside her. Brady reached his free hand back and smacked her firm ass he plowed her still tight pussy.

After what seemed like an eternity to Gabe, Brady finally pulled out of his girlfriend. Only to reposition his new toy on her hands and knees, now facing the crowd of spectators Wanbli let out another gasp as Brady shoved himself inside of her.

"I'd like to thank you all." Started Brady while fucking Wanbli's little body. "For the best birthday ever."

"Wait what?..." Thought Gabe.

"But I'm going to need some privacy with my fuck doll now. You understand?" He said grabbing her hips ramming his dick further and further.

"Alright." Said Jackson with a smile. "You heard the man everyone. Let's give these lovebirds some space."

As the room cleared out Gabe just stood and stared at the man fucking his girlfriend. Haley grabbed his hand and pulled him away. "No need to stick around silly. If I know Brady your girlfriend is going to be busy most of the night." She said skipping happily down the hallway.

Gabe followed, stopping in the kitchen to get himself a drink. When he stepped into the living room he saw Destiny was now fully naked, fucking Jackson on the couch...

Once again envy got to him... He remembered the beginning of the night how he fantasized coming here tonight and somehow fucking her.

To their left Meredith had John's pants pulled down sucking his cock.

Haley appeared to his right all of the sudden. Gabe turned to her, but she spoke before he could. "Look kid. You got beat. You're not fucking Destiny, you're not fucking me, and some other dude with a way bigger dick is fucking your girlfriend. I understand you're probably horny though, and I sorta feel bad for you so come with me."

They walked on the warped floor back to the bedroom. Peeking through the crack he saw his girlfriend riding Brady's massive cock moaning with a huge smile on her face, dimples and all.

Ducking into the bathroom Haley instructed Gabe to take off all his clothes and lay in the bathtub.

"Okay. Here's some lotion. I'm going to get into my underwear, you can masturbate to me, but you can't touch me."

Haley undressed showing a nice heart shaped ass and bigger boobs than Gabe expected, covered by matching white pink frilled panties.

Defeated Gabe stroked his cock to Haley with the sound of his girlfriend getting fucked in the other room until he reached pathetic orgasm.

"Well, night champ." Haley said, picking up her clothes and turning off the light as she went out the door.

Gabe listened for hours to his girlfriend getting pounded. Until he got used to it, and the sound of her moaning until it lulled him to sleep.

[–] thebigideaguy 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Jackson shot John a dirty glance. "Sorry bro." John responded. "That's the way it is. That's the punishment."

"Wait!" Shouted Destiny all of the sudden a bright look in her eyes. She then jumped up and ran into the other room. Gabe heard a bang as Destiny presumably ran into something, but as she ran back Gabe's heart began to race as she held up her Punishment Deferred card proudly. "I don't have to go through with the punishment! I can chose someone else to take it for me." She said smiling brightly. Gabe held his breath.

"And I think..." She said tapping her chin with her index finger. "I want to see our little Wanbli try to take on the monster."

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck..." Gabe wheezed as he looked over at his girlfriend who was frozen solid, all of the color drained from her face.

"Look guys there's got to be another way!" Pleaded Gabe on his girlfriend's behalf.

"Yeah there is." Said Jackson. "Quit the game, admit defeat, and pay up."

"Okay!" Yelled Gabe. "How much?"

"Tonight it's... $200." Said John. Pulling a receipt out of his pocket.

"Okay I can get that easy." Said Gabe.

"There's not 'get' kid." Said Jackson. "I'm afraid you gotta pay now, or your girlfriend is going to have to suck on Brady's big old dick." He said gesturing to Brady who was sitting on the couch smoking a bowel. Haley was sitting next to him playing around with his dick.

"Besides!" Haley said moving the dick up and down like it was talking. "She's super pretty, and sure looked like she wanted to be my friend earlier!" She said in a cartoony voice.

Gabe looked away in disgust trying to figure this out. He glanced at his girlfriend still frozen now staring over at Brady's massive dick in fear.

"Hiiiiii little girl!" Yelled the cute little pixie as she waved the dick at her.

Wanbli looked away immediately.

"And what if we refuse?" Said Gabe.

"Then we call the cops on you for all that weed you brought over." Said Jackson. "My dad's the D.A. and it's just not gonna go well for you."

"Sorry champ." Said Destiny her arms wrapped around Jackson tits pressed against his back. "Better luck next time."

"So let's do this thing!" Shouted Jackson a ring formed around a couch that Brady was sitting on, his dick long enough that it reached the edge. Wanbli was in the center of the circle standing 3 feet in front of him.

"We've had a punishment deferred." Said Jackson. "Babe?" He said with his hand out he took the card from Destiny's extended hand and ripped it in two letting the pieces drop to the floor.

"Wanbli." Jackson said. "The cock is yours. You have ten minutes to make it cum, or face further punishment." A beep sound went off as John pressed a button on a stopwatch.

Wanbli rushed forward dropping to her knees in front of Brady. Which made Gabe's heart drop as he could only look on and watch.

She tried to make the next move, but fumbled around not knowing what to do, her only prior practice being on her boyfriend's much much smaller cock.

"Awe so cute." Said Haley taking a seat next to Brady. "She's so excited she doesn't even know where to start. Here say 'ahhhhh.'" She said as she lifted up Brady's cock, guiding it to Wanbli's mouth.

"Just lick the tip." Haley said still holding his dick. Wanbli started licking around the tip looking up through her big dark eyes questioning if she was doing it right.

"Soooooo cute!!" She shouted. "Look at that face. She wants to please her new dick. You're doing good babe keep it up. Now I'm gonna let go. You grab it and start jerking it while you do that okay?" Hayley said smiling up at Gabe. "She's doing great. Don't worry."

"I'd say." Echoed Brady looking down at the young girl between his legs reaching down to move a strand of light pink hair out of her face. He let out a little moan. "Now get it all wet baby girl." Said Brady still super stoned.

Wanbli started licking his cock all over until all 12 iches were covered in her spit. Then she went back to stroking the now lubricated shaft and licking the head.

"3 minutes." Marked John as everyone watched interested to see what was going to happen. Except Gabe who was destroyed by the sight of his girlfriend on her knees in front of a guy they only just met, who aside from his cock was kinda gross looking.

"You'll have to go faster than that babe." She instructed. Wanbli picked up her pace more rapidly stroking the man's massive cock.

"Oh yeah baby." Said Brady starting to sober up a touch from the sensation Wanbli was sending through him.

"Anything else I can do?" Said Wanbli stroking his dick and looking up earnestly. She thought she'd die if she had to try to fit that thing in her pussy.

"My balls. I love my balls getting licked." Wanbli lowered her head under his scrotum and stuck her tongue out. She had always told Gabe "no" when he asked her to do this, but something about the massive member in her mouth felt powerful and manly.

As she sucked on his balls she stroked his dick and looked up at him. "Damn..." Said Destiny appearing next to Gabe causing him to startle. Wrapping her arms around him she traced her fingers down his chest.

"Look at her." She said tits pressing into his back. "I thought I might be sucking your cock tonight, but this is way better..." She said patting his stirring crotch.

Wanbli was going to town now sucking on Brady's dick taking it as far as she could without choking.

"5 minutes." Said John.

"Uh oh." Said Haley. "Halfway there cutie. If you don't want to fuck this dick, which I'm starting to believe you might want to."

Wanbli shook her head "no" urgently with the dick in her mouth.

"Haha! Then you're going to have to mix it up to please a dick of this quality. Here relax your throat." She grabbed the back of Wanbli's head and guided her further down until she started choking. "Good girl." She said holding Wanbli's head down as her eyes started to water. Releasing her head Wanbli gasped for breath, but went right back to work set on her new task.

With one hand on each knee Wanbli went as far as she could. Over and over, but couldn't go far enough.

"Help." Pleaded Wanbli looking up through wet eyes at Haley.

"Awe. Anytime babygirl." She said smiling down as she bunched up Wanlbli's hair into a ponytail and used it to push and pull her head up and down as far as it could go.

"Fuck." Said Brady throwing his head back.

"You like this big boy?" Asked Haley.

"Yeah." He responded concentrating hard.

"We're going to have to have the pretty girl back over to take care of you more huh?" Said Haley.

"Everyday." Said Brady.

"Uh oh!" Yelled John. "Looks like horse dicks copping your girl Gabe." He said causing everyone to laugh . "7.5 minutes." Said John. "Almost there buddy." John encouraged Brady."

Gabe looked on forlorn he hated that Wanbli was deep-throating this massive cock, but it would all be over if she could just make him cum.

Hayley increased her pace as Wanbli struggled to breath through her nose as her little mouth got stretched further and further.

"Oh god! Oh god!" Yelled Brady.

"Bud you got 1 minute to go. I want to see that big dick destroy her little pussy, so you hold it in goddamnit." Yelled John.

Everyone in the circle started chanting, "Hold it in! Hold it in!" Destiny jumping and clapping about, her tits all over the place, extremely happy it wasn't her in Wanbli's place she ran over and hugged her man.

Wanbli started playing with his balls as she deep throated now a little over half of his massive member.

"Ahhhhhh!" Yelled Brady.

"Hold it in! Hold it in!"

"Come on babe..." Gabe whispered.

"10!" John started the countdown.

"9!" Everyone joined in.

"8!" Wanbli was driving her head deeper and deeper with Haley's help.

"7!" "You can do it!" Gabe yelled.

"6!" "Oh god oh god." Said Brady looking panicked as the pink haired cutie went down further and further.

"5!" "No no no..." Thought Gabe.

"4!" "Hold it in man! You're gonna fuck that girl!"

"3!" "Ahhhh!" Brady grabbed the back of Wanbli's head and shoved it further down his shaft.

"2!" Haley looked up at Gabe and winked.

"1!" Brady shoved Wanbli's head down nearly the full length of his cock and let out a monstrous groan. "UUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!"

Everyone. Stopped.

Brady released Wanbli's head as she came off the top with a pop.

"Just kidding." Said Brady smoothly.

No cum.

"YESSSSSSSSSS!!" Screamed John as the rest of the room danced around and partied.

"No..." Said Gabe as he looked at the ground. "That's it..."

"Too bad baby." Said Haley patting Wanbli on her heaving back. "Oh well! Let's get you out of those clothes."

Haley stood Wanbli up and started undressing her in front of Brady who leaned back to enjoy the show.

Haley lifted up Wanbli's undershirt to reveal a flat sexy tummy and a cute blue-green lace bra.

Haley then pulled down Wanbli's jeans to reveal matching lace panties.

Then with one quick motion she unclipped her bra letting it fall to reveal her perfectly pert breasts. Then she dropped down slowly lowering her panties. Examining her perfect ass, and adorable, tiny, immaculately shaved pussy. "Good god you're perfect." Said Haley staring in admiration.

Everyone cheered at the sight of Wanbli's naked body. Except Gabe who couldn't believe what was happening.

"Brady." Said Jackson stepping forward. "The games have ended and you have won. Claim your prize."

Brady stood up out of the couch and walked forward throwing Wanbli's naked body easily over his shoulder.

The procession followed him back to Haley's bedroom. Following last Gabe struggled to see what was going on as Brady threw Wanbli's naked body onto the bed, this room also dimly lit with Christmas lights.

Wanbli looked around bewildered as Brady climbed on top of her.

"Don't worry dear." Said Haley with a smile. "You're gonna do great."

[–] thebigideaguy 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

"You like that baby?" She said looking at Gabe pushing her tits forward.

Wanbli was not pleased.

The next round Destiny dropped out immediately as did Gabe, but he thought Wanbli's hand was decent leading to a one on one versus Haley.

Haley threw her cards down showing a royal flush and cheered, "Let's see some skin sugar!"

A little uneasy Wanbli took off her top to reveal a black spaghetti strap undershirt. It hugged her athletic body nicely, but the crowd was not please.

"Boooo!" The guys shouted. "Where are those young tits at?" Shouted John above the rest.

"Chill dude." Said Gabe coming to his girlfriend's aid. "Let's just keep playing."

Already electing to have Wanbli fold every hand from then on, he played the next hand till the end. One on one, versus Destiny again.

"Read em and weep kid." Said Destiny in a sexy smoky voice throwing down her cards. "I hope you have something real to show me?"

With a cocky smile he stood up and threw off his tank top revealing a tight six pack.

"Ooooooooh." Said Destiny staring with the other girls. "I like that." She said biting her full lips.

Wanbli looked at Jackson confused as to why he let his girlfriend act like this.

The next hand Gabe confidently rode through till the end. One on one with Destiny again.

"Straight flush." He said looking up at the older girl. The highest hand.

"Well I guess since you worked so hard." She said smiling. "But wait..." She said pulling out her punishment deferred card. "I could put this back on you, or whoever I chose." She said looking around the table.

Gabe held his breath hoping she wouldn't. "But I think I'll save it." She said with a smile slapping the card on the table. She reached back and unclipped her bra, letting the straps fall slowly revealing the largest sexiest most shapely breast Gabe had ever seen in his short years, porn or otherwise.

His jaw dropped as she shook them back and forth showing them off laughing at his reaction.

Wanbli was pissed at this point, and was absolutely ready to leave, but knew they couldn't without losing, and thus having to pay for all the alcohol.

It was then that she noticed Haley tap Brady on the shoulder, and whisper in his ear. He gave an ultra stoned smile then shook his head up and down.

The next few hands Destiny dropped out, but Gabe continued in confidence if only for the points. One vs one with Brady he won heavy-handedly against the stoned man's 2 of a kind. Brady stood up taking off his shirt to reveal that he was a bit more on the chubby side than one would initially suspect. Definitely nothing attractive. Gabe was perplexed as to why he would just push on like that with a low hand, but figured it was the weed.

The next round Gabe dropped out having nothing for the first round in a while, but Meredith pushed forward in a one-vs-one with Brady. Gabe didn't think Meredith was super attractive, but tits were tits, so he found himself rooting for Brady, who once again had nothing to show for in his hand.

Standing up Brady unbuckled his pants and let them drop revealing some baggy gym shorts he seemed to be wearing for underwear.

The next round Gabe had a decent hand so decided to stay in glancing over the table at Destiny's succulent tits wondering what the rest of her body looked like. At the end it was Destiny, Brady, and Gabe.

Destiny threw down first showing she only had a two of a kind. Laughing Gabe laid down a royal flush ready to get Destiny out if her jeans. But then Gabe heard a giggle as Brady tossed his hand on the table. Nothing.

He had nothing.

Gabe was super confused as Brady stood up pulling a string on his gym shorts letting them fall. To reveal a massive, thick, powerful dick.

Everyone else at the table didn't react as harshly as the new couple to Brady's foot long phallus.

Gabe heard a gasp as he turned to his right to see his girlfriend staring mouth agape. He now understood how she felt with him staring at Destiny's tits.

"Haha! Look at her!" Said Haley reaching out she grabbed Brady's cock and waved it at Wanbli. "Does the young girl like the big cock?" Haley said acting like the flaccid 8" dick was talking.

Gabe looked around bewildered as everyone laughed. Brady looked amused with his signature stoned look on his face as the cute pixie like girl played with his dick.

"Haha! This games over. Thanks to our dearest Brady." Said Jackson wiping tears from his eyes from laughing too hard. "What are we playing next my friend?"

"Twister." Brady said his grin coming through his grizzled beard, Haley pulling down on his dick teasing Wanbli who was trying her best to keep her gaze away from it.

In the side room Meredith set up the Twister mat as Jackson explained the rules.

"Obviously since we have a lot of people here and just one mat, the rules state only those with an article of clothing missing have to play." Said Jackson. "Loser has to run down the road naked and loses their clothes the rest of the night."

"Shit..." Gabe said under his breath looking at Wanbli trying to figure out how to keep Brady's freak dick away from his girlfriend.

One player on each side of the mat, Gabe faced Destiny who teased him jiggling her tits in her hands, and Wanbli faced Brady as she tried to look anywhere other than at his massive dick.

"Okay!" Shouted Haley sitting on the sofa with the spinner in her lap. "Destiny you first!" She yelped flicking the spinner. "Right hand red!"

Destiny got down, and reached out to place her hand on the red circle. She looked up seductively at Gabe who couldn't help but get turned on by her looking up at him, her tits heaving with every breath.

"Wanbli, right foot green!" She shouted as Wanbli reluctantly took a step forward.

After a few rounds Wanbli was propped on all fours with one of Destiny's legs under her. Brady had yet to get a hand down and was moving about the mat slowly towards the girls. Gabe wanted to stop him, but had himself in a pretzel.

"Brady! Right foot red!" She shouted as he stepped forward his dick now hovering above Wanbli's head.

Wanbli looked up not aware how close it was to her head. Gabe let out a gasp as she just narrowly avoided brushing the monster with her face. Embarrassed she looked back down holding a rigid position until her move.

Wanbli's next move allowed her to move back half a foot from Brady's cock, which let Gabe release a sigh of relief.

Destiny's next move had her in a bridge, tits up in the air. Brady's next move allowed him to throw one of his legs over straddling either side of Destiny's body his dick pointing down at her tits.

Gabe looked on in trepidation as Destiny looked up at Brady with a scowl. "Don't you dare!" She said, but it looked like the rules were a bit loose in this game as Brady reached down and started groping both of Destiny's tits. Which caused the room to go into an uproar.

Gabe and Wanbli looked around confused as even Jackson was laughing.

Brady's dick visibly hardened, as he continued to play with her tits.

"Asshole!" Spat Destiny as her breasts were assaulted.

Letting out another laugh Brady lowered himself down until his dick rest between Destiny's tits. He then pushed them together and started tit fucking her in front of the whole room. Causing the laughter to only pick up even more.

Gabe felt a pang of envy watching another guy enjoy the tits he'd been longing for.

Brady continued to fuck Destiny's tits in that manner as the round continued. Destiny only got to move one hand back, not nearly saving her from her reluctant tit fucking.

As Gabe and Wanbli took their moves, Brady took a break to slap his now almost fully erect cock against Destiny's tits.

"Fuck off." Destiny said sounding supremely annoyed.

"Brady! Left hand green!" Finally Brady had to put a hand down, but used the opportunity to lean forward over Destiny's head. His cock now resting directly on top of her face. "Fuck you fuck you fuck you!" Destiny sputtered as Brady used his other hand to slap his dick against Destiny's gorgeous face.

Gabe felt another pang of jealousy in this situation. Wanting badly for it to be him slapping his dick against the older girls face, but he was also happy that even though it seemed like everything was legal in this game Brady left his girlfriend alone.

Destiny's next move caused her right foot to almost slip, which caused her to open her mouth in shock. Brady took full advantage of the situation and popped the tip of his cock right into her mouth.

Destiny made some noise that sounded furious then all of the sudden Brady jumped back and yelped. "She bit me!" Destiny plopped down on her ass and wiped her mouth looking up defiantly. Gabe and Wanbli took more comfortable seating positions believing the game to be over.

Haley ran over, dropped to her knees, and grabbed Brady's dick to examine it. "It's not bleeding, but yup those are bite marks."

"Damnit babe!" Shouted Jackson. "You couldn't keep your head for a few more minutes? Now you've got to blow him! Fuck!" The young man said suddenly furious.

"What-the-fuck-ever." Said Destiny looking defiant.

"For those of you who are new." Said John talking to Wanbli and Gabe. "In this game we have a few sub-rules with different punishments. In this case melon tits over here broke the cock and balls protection act of 2013. An act meant to protect the privates of all men who participate in our games. Understand?" John paused waiting for the couple to nod. "If a cock or balls is damaged purposefully by another party that party must then make reparations. In this case we move to a mini game. The offender, Destiny, has the total time of ten minutes to blow the offended, Brady. If she can't get him to cum in ten minutes then Brady gets her ass all night, anything he wants, and knowing Brady he's not going to pass up the chance to destroy that pussy."

[–] thebigideaguy 3 points 2 years ago

First things first. If you haven’t read the work of these authors, start here. You may not find that you love everything they’ve written as much as I do, but if you haven’t given them a shot, you’re doing yourself a disservice. If I see a new story or chapter from one of these fine folks, I’m excited. In more ways than one.

This is not a comprehensive list, and authors appear in no particular order. I’ll be adding more as I realize who I’ve left off. As an aside – I wish Literotica allowed sorting submissions from an author by publishing date, or had a way for a series to have sub-series underneath it. Often authors will have continuity of characters across the series categorization that can’t easily be seen in an alphabetical listing. If you care about reading their work in a likely “correct” order, I usually take a look at publishing date to figure out what series goes where. But I digress – here are some authors I HIGHLY recommend:

DonnerBBQ – Greek Week is fantastic. Kim’s series goes in this order:
    Curtains Removed for Painting
    Wife Hosts BBQ for Coworkers
    Kim Rents a Cabin with Coworkers
    Kim Enjoys Jason’s Company
    Kim Frolics at the Pool Party
    Dream with Kim Comes True?
CarpeCollum – DonnerBBQ’s new account. New label, same great content. Hope he continues writing.
The_shadow_rising – Shadow has a formula, and sometimes might be a little repetitive and verbose, but that doesn’t take away how great these stories are. Crying Wolf, The Fastest Fuck in the West and the Sophie series are all pretty killer.
xenome – Not a ton of stories, but great.
Confi – Same here – would love to see the promised triumphant return of Confi.
Imstillfun – Ton of good stuff here. Try Bachelor Party Gangbang, He Let Them Have Me (series) and My Daughter made me Cuckold Him (series).
ret123 – All of this. Donna Goes Camping might be the pinnacle here, but it’s all worth your time.
writemarksmith – Loads of good stories.
Captain_Ron – You all know the Captain, right? Right?!?
CraptainPlanet – You all know the Craptain, right? Right?!?
Secrettie – Not the most prolific, but good stories here for sure.
Lucas96 – Amazing stuff, and still writing! Being Jenny’s Summer Boyfriend is a great place to start.
bro_souffle2018 – All great stories here. Kelly’s Festival Transformation stories are my favorites.
Simondove – Wish there were more.
MenInNature – Only the one series at this point, but cuckolding at its brutal best.
gustav_jorgenson – Historically has rotated story availability over time, but all great content. Wife Wears T-Shirt in Hot-Tub and Wife Fucks Husband’s Rival are worth mentioning. Not currently on lit, but favorites are also Beach Rental, Nerdy Wife Gets Owned and The Scientific Harlot. These can sometimes be found on his wordpress.
clarkoverns – Every story a classic.
Jackal54641 – Great variety of stories here. Cucking the Snowbound Couple is fantastic.
Luv4hotwives – Amazing stories. Hope he returns to writing!
candycigars – Yeah. This stuff.
SimpleEnigma – Ascending Lauren is still going.
JohnRocker272 – Fantastic stuff here.
smalltitslovr – Anyone who writes more Elise stories is alright with me.
elia_cdl – “Humiliated” is a good start here, but this is a great set of stories.
[–] thebigideaguy 3 points 2 years ago

In the meanwhile the servers came in to deliver food, working around their boss getting his dick sucked by an American teenager. None of them seemed to give much notice to the event. Peter just kept staring disparagingly at Tony. Unable to do anything, but watch as his girlfriend's mouth had this man's massive penis shoved inside of it once again.

Peter of course ignored his food, while Tony ate in front of him while he continued to fuck Katie's mouth. Katie's mouth was of course pretty busy right now full of Tony's dick. Things went on like that for a while until one of the men at the other end of the table yelled down to Tony. Tony yelled back and laughed shaking his head. He looked over at Peter and said, "That asshole doesn't believe me." He then lifted Katie's head off his dick with a "pop" and took her by the hand pulling her to her feet.

Tony then stood behind her, and started feeling her breasts while yelling at something in Italian to the man down the table. Katie couldn't do anything but look down at her feet. Then quickly before Katie knew what was happening Tony grabbed the inside of her dress and ripped the buttons all the way down the front until Katie was standing in just her underwear before a room full of middle aged Italian men all now cheering.

She tried to cover herself up but Tony said, "No no no. My friends are curious." Tony then undid the back of her bra and pulled it off to expose her massive breasts for all eyes to see. Oooing and ahhhing at the scene the men yelled apparently for more. Tony then went a step further from before, and leaned down to pull off her panties, as he slid them down her long skinny legs exposing a perfectly shaved adorable little pussy. Peter was destroyed. He never would have dreamed that the first time he saw his girlfriend's vagina would be an event shared with a room full of middle aged men. Tony then guided the now fully naked Katie back towards his chair. He pulled out his chair and motioned for Katie to stand over his lap with a leg on either side. What could she do? With all of the men with guns around she decided it was best to do as told.

Tony then positioned his fat veiny dick right towards the entryway of Katie's pussy. Tony looked over at Peter and winked while giving him the thumbs up, and then grabbed Katie's hips and slowly started moving her towards his erect cock. As the tip touched the entry of her pussy Katie gasped. Undeterred Tony continued to slowly push down on her hips until the fat mushroom head of his dick popped into Katie's no longer virgin pussy. Katie gasped for air with her eyes closed and entire body shaking.

Peter could do nothing but watch his girlfriend's virginity robbed before his eyes. Tony continued to work his cock into Katie's pussy lowering her down onto it. Tony got halfway before Katie slammed her hands down on the table in front of her and let out a massive moan. Everyone at the table went silent and watched as Tony took Katie's hips and started working her up and down on his cock. Realizing he could fit no more of his massive prick at the moment he continued to fuck her with half of it's length lowering her and raising her body rhythmically. This caused her massive tits to start bouncing and Katie to start loudly moaning to the enjoyment of the entire room. After a little while Tony remembered Peter sitting next to him, grabbed a handful of bouncing tit, and started sharing another anecdote as he fucked his girlfriend in front of him. Peter face was blank of emotion he had gone deep inside of himself unable to deal with the situation.

After a little while of Katie moaning on top of Tony's monster dick another man down the table yelled something. Tony yelled back looked over at Peter and said, "This jerkoff doesn't think it'll fit all the way." Tony then unhanded Katie's breast and used his arm to knock all of the remaining food, plates, and silverware onto the floor. He then stood up abruptly causing Katie to fall forward onto the table. Tony then took her by the back of the neck and pushed her face into the table, causing her tits to flatten against it.

He then looked over at Peter smiled and said, "Wish your girlfriend luck." He then jumped forward ramming all 10 inches of his dick into Katie at once. She let out a scream of pain mixed with pleasure and started moaning and screaming as loud as any human possibly could. But after a little while Katie's pussy started getting used to the punishment. And she just moaned in massive amounts of pleasure. Peter looked downwards not knowing what to think. While he fucked Katie before his audience Tony started taking off his shirt removed the rest of his clothing until he was completely naked. The sound of Tony's balls slapping against Katie's ass echoed throughout the hallway.

After what seemed like an eternity a man at the other end of the table yelled something that caused him Tony to laugh so hard he had to pause pumping Katie's pussy full of his dick to regain composure. Leaving his dick inside of Katie, Tony looked over at Peter and said, "My friend said a funny joke. It means... Uhm... To breed out the weakness? Yes I think so."

Peter started feeling his body shaking from all the stress. Tony laughed and started to pump his cock like a piston into Katie's pussy. She started screaming again as the table went into uproars of laughter. After a few moments Tony let out 7 more pumps in to Katie's pussy yelling "Super-cali-fraji-listic-espy-ali-dociois!" A syllable with each pump. He held in on the last syllable, both his and Katie's bodies shaking. Katie let out a massive moan as Tony pulled out of her pussy. As he sat down in his chair a trail of cum leading from the tip of his cock to Katie's ravaged vagina. Katie stayed lying on the table as Tony looked over at Peter breathing hard.

After a moment of breathy silence he said, "I think I will borrow this one for the night," as he smacked her across the ass.

"Alonzo will show you back to your room." Peter looked around him as a security guard approached. As Peter stood up to leave Tony added, "Oh! It was so nice to make your acquaintance young man. Don't worry! I will take good care of girlfriend." Peter looked at Katie one last time as he left the room. She was covered in sweat and breathing loudly, a blank look on her face

Peter didn't sleep much that night. In the morning a guard came and knocked on his door to tell him Tony wanted to see him. Peter was guided to the elevator and taken to the top floor of the resort. The elevator opened to a bedroom with a massive bed in the center at the other end of the room, which sat in front of a massive window.

As he slowly approached the bed he saw Tony laying down naked. As he got closer he found Katie also naked, between Tony's legs, sucking on his dick. "Ahhhhhh!" Tony said as he saw Peter approaching. "Good morning! We have been having so much fun! Isn't that right my little angle?" Katie nodded without looking up keeping her lips sealed around Tony's cock.

"Now listen," said Tony stroking the back of Katie's head. "I've been thinking. It would be a shame to end all the fun after one night. You all only have a week left here and this little girl needs all the real big dick she can get. How about I keep her for the rest of the week?" Peter just stood there with a blank face. "I assumed we have a deal!" Said Tony throwing his hands up. "Okay. Now get out." As Peter left the room he turned around one last time to see Tony guiding Katie to sit on his cock. As the elevator doors closed he could hear her start to moan.

That afternoon Peter's dad called to ask how the dinner went. To avoid any more shame he lied and said everything went well and that the man who "disrespected" them was fired. Then he got a call from Katie's parents asking where she was and why she wouldn't pick up her phone. Peter said it was because she lost her phone, and no she couldn't talk because she was at the spa getting a massage. Peter really wanted no one to ever find out what had happened.

As the week went on Peter couldn't escape it. When he went to breakfast, there Tony was sipping tea and reading the paper while Katie was under the table sucking his dick. When he went to the pool he could hear moaning and seem Tony fucking his girlfriend on the balcony of his top floor suite. Some nights while he slept Tony would have him woken up just to come watch as he fucked Katie senseless.

When the week was finally over she was sent naked back to their room. She walked past Peter without saying a word. Handing him a note.

It was from Tony. It read,

Dear Little Bitch,

Thanks for loaning me your lovely little girlfriend to dump all my cum into. I'm going to miss her, and I know she will miss me. In fact I decided she'd miss my big dick so much I'm coming back with you both to America so I can catch up with your dad. Maybe she can suck my cock on the plane ride home? Maybe I can pound her in your bed while you sleep on ground? Haha! I will see you soon.


Mr. Big Fat Dick

AKA Tony


How is your mom doing?

[–] thebigideaguy 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Katie looked up through watering eyes. "If you do what I say I will let boyfriend go right?" She just looked at him. "Nod you understand?" With his cock in her mouth she nodded her understanding. "Okay so. Just make me cum on your big tits and you go." Katie just stared. "Remember." The man said as he started to push down on Peter's head. "AHHHHH..." Moaned Peter. "I crush his head to pancake. So do your best. Understand?" Katie nodded again with a mouth full of dick. At this the man released her for a moment.

"Okay. Now give my dick big kiss with big lips. Right here." The man said still holding here hands behind her but using the other to point to the tip of his cock. Katie hesitantly moved forward and placed her lips on the end of his cock head and kissed. "Now," said the man, "you like popsicles?" Katie nodded no. "Well you like this one. Lick my dick like big popsicle." Katie proceeded to do so lapping her tongue up and down his shaft feeling the texture of his veins with her tongue.

From afar you one might think she was just giving an enthusiastic blowjob, but she just wanted to save Peter who had resigned at this point to just look up in silence at the sight of his girlfriend sucking off a stranger. Every time he moved or said anything the man would increase the pressure on his head. Peter wanted it all to end, but he just wasn't strong enough.

"Okay pretty slut American. Now you see those big balls underneath the big cock you lick now? You will lick those. Very very important." Katie stopped what she was doing and looked down. Stuck out her tongue and started running it along the sack looking up at the man to ask if she was doing it right. "Ooooooo... Very very good." Said the man. While Katie was lapping her tongue against the man's balls he reached over her back and pulled at the strings to release her bathing suit top. Katie tried to pull away but the man strengthened his grip and said, "Ah ah ah my big titty friend. Remember I make boyfriend pancake."

Katie stopped pulling away looked down at Peter and then back up at the man. "Alright-t-t, as long as you p-p-promise to let us g-go." Katie responded meekly. The man then quickly pulled off the top and threw it across the sitting area into the pool. "I p-p-promise." The man said laughing throwing his head back guiding Katie's mouth back to his cock as he started kneading her massive breasts with his palm.

Finally satisfied that Katie wasn't going anywhere the man freed her arms. She rested her hands on his knees while he used his now free hand to push her head up and down on his cock. "These are the biggest titties I've ever seen!" Proclaimed the man delighted as he squeezed them both with his rough hands.

While Katie continued to suck, the man used both his hand to bounce her breasts up and down, which caused Katie to involuntarily moan. "That's it slut." Said the man. "I have idea." He said as he lifted her head away from his dick. "Spit." Katie spit on the ground not understanding what the man meant inadvertently spitting on Peter's face.

"No no no. On your favorite cock." Katie looked at him confused, but spit on the tip of his cock. "Spit all over." Katie spit everywhere she could find, which took a while to cover his fat 10 inch cock. "Good. Now come close and wrap big tits around my dick." Katie confused moved closer to the man's groin and did so.

"Now up and down with the big tits." Katie followed his instructions closely hoping this was all almost over. The man was delighted to see his cock head stick up to her neckline as she did this, and told her to suck it as she did this. The man looked at his craftwork. This young American girl tit fucking and suckling on his cock. It was almost too much.

He started to play with her big nipples as she did the causing more involuntary moaning. The man decided to push it even farther. "Okay girl sucking my cock. Look up here." Katie looked up as she kept tit fucking. "Tell me you love my cock." Katie was dumbstruck. She was already forced to blow a stranger in public mostly naked and now she was going to be forced to face her greatest life long issue.


"Say it." The man said insistently as she looked up at him like a deer at an oncoming car. "Aaaaaaaaahhhghhhhhhh." Moaned Peter as the man pressed down harder on his skull.


"I l-l-love your c-c-c-cock."

The man grinned and laughed at the stuttering now completely humiliated teenager. "Say, you want my big cock." The man responded in delight.

"I want-t-t your big c-c-c-c-cock."

"Say, my cock is better than his." He said motioning to Peter.

"Y-y-your c-cock is b-b-better than P-P-Peter's." Said Katie looking defeated.

"Say you want to suck this cock everyday!" He said in jubilation.

"I w-w-want to suck-k-k y-your c-cock every d-d-day..." Katie said still tit fucking the man.

"HAHA!" The man said in delight. "Say, supercalofragalisticespyalidocious!"

"Hey man! Would you lay off of her and finish already." Peter managed to yell still under then man's foot.

"You want me to finish?" Said the man. "Okay then." He took Katie by the back of the head and pushed her mouth down on his cock as hard as he could 5 times. Threw her head back off his cock. Jerked it twice then pointed it at his right foot. Large amounts of cum shot all over Peter's face, as he lay helpless to do anything under the man's foot. Katie looked at him as if he had broken an agreement. The man was laughing hysterically. "There you go." He said through a grin. "All done." He then slapped Katie lightly on her face with his cock stood up and walked away back into the resort.

The couple stayed there on the ground, unable to move or say anything. Cum dripping down his chin Peter finally stood up went to the pool and grabbed Katie's top. He helped her up and said, "Come on. I'm going to call my dad, and somehow I'll make this right."

Peter called his dad, but was too ashamed to tell him what really happened. So he just opted to say that an employee at the resort had been very disrespectful to them. Peter's dad was furious to hear this and said that he would call his friend, the owner of the resort, and make this right.

His dad called back a few minutes later to say that his friend greatly apologized and wanted to give Katie and Peter a big dinner in order to meet them, and figure out how to solve this issue of the "disrespectful" employee.

Peter explained the situation to Katie who had been mostly silent since the event with the mustached man. She looked up at him and nodded. Hoping that they would be able to somehow bring this man to justice.

That night Peter dressed up in a suit that looked way to big on his beanpole body, and Katie wore a black and white casual dress that buttoned all the way up, the hem just above her knees.

Peter was rehearsing what he was going to say to the owner of the resort once he saw him, getting ready to bring justice for him and his meek girlfriend. When the two teenagers found the room they were supposed to go in for the dinner two men were guarding the doors.

Peter approached them. "Hi. We are here for the dinner." He said. Both men looked down at him wordlessly then one nodded and opened the door. The room was a magnificent dining hall, with a table full of men speaking Italian loudly. The couple was guided to both sides of the end of the table next to the seat of honor where Peter supposed his dad's friend would sit. As he looked across the table at Katie he tried to force a smile, and she tried to return one. They both looked around the room and saw men dressed like the men guarding the front door at every window around the table. Some even carried large guns. Peter couldn't decide if that made him feel safe or not.

After a while of sitting there Peter finally saw the door closest to him open to reveal his dad's friend, the owner of the resort. Peter felt the room start to get smaller, and felt his heart start to pound. The owner of the resort grinned at him from under a big mustache. It was the man from the pool area.

As the man approached the table he opened his hands in greeting and slapped Peter on the back as he sat down. Peter looked over at Katie who was completely drawn into herself looking down at her empty plate, she couldn't believe this.

As the man sat down he said, "So! You're David's kid? It's so nice to meet you. You can call me Tony, yes? I think you wanted to tell me about one of my employees 'disrespecting' you and your girlfriend?"

Peter just looked at the man slack jawed. He couldn't move. The man then looked over at Katie and said, "And h-h-how are you sexy girl? I've missed you." Katie didn't respond at all. She just kept looking at her empty plate. All of the men at the table looked very happy to see Tony and started yelling down to him in Italian pointing at Peter and Katie. Tony yelled back in Italian nodding his head.

"They've heard a lot about you two." Tony said to Peter and Katie with a smile. "So tell me how's your papa? Did he ever tell you how we met?" Tony continued to talk at Peter, but eventually he just started phasing him out still at a loss for what to do.

Tony then paused in his long dialogue and tapped Peter on the shoulder and asked, "Do you mind?" Peter had no clue what Tony was talking about.

Tony then stood up undid his belt and dropped his pants once again revealing the massive cock of Peter's nightmares. Katie's eyes got wide as she continued to stare at her plate. None of the other men seemed to notice or mind. Tony then grabbed the side of Katie's chair and dragged it next to him. He then took the back of Katie's despondent head and lowered her mouth again onto his huge member. "Oh I missed this mouth!" Shouted Tony as he looked up at Peter and smiled. Tony then continued to converse at Peter using one hand to gesture and the other to push and pull Katie's head up and down on his dick.

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