
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 2 years ago

It's in Bulgarian. iirc, there is an icon with the british or american flag at the top left in the ribbon that should allow you to switch the language to English.


Now, I really like Wayland, and it's definitely better than the mess that is X11


I think the approach to Wayland is entirely wrong. There should be a unified backend/base for building compositors, something like universal wlroots, so that applications dealing with things like setting wallpapers don't have to worry about supporting GNOME, Plasma, Wlroots, AND Smithay (when COSMIC comes out). How about a universal Wayland protocol implementation that compositors are built on? That way, the developers of, say, wayshot, a screenshot utility, can be sure their program works across all Wayland compositors.

Currently, the lower-level work for creating a compositor has been done by all four of the GNOME, KDE, Wlroots and Smithay projects. To me, that's just replication of work and resources. Surely if all standalone compositors, as well as the XFCE desktop want to, and use wlroots, the GNOME and KDE teams could have done the same instead of replicating effort and wasting time and resources, causing useless separation in the process?

Am I missing something? Surely doing something like that would be better?

The issue with X11 is that it got big and bloated, and unmaintainable, containing useless code. None of these desktops use that useless code, still in X from the time where 20 machines were all connected to 1 mainframe. So why not just use the lean and maintainable wlroots, making things easier for some app developers? And if wlroots follows in the footsteps of X11, we can move to another implementation of the Wayland protocols. The advantage of Wayland is that it is a set of protocols on how to make a compositor that acts as a display server. If all the current Wayland implementations disappear, or if they become abandoned, unmaintained, or unmaintainable, all the Wayland apps like Calendars, file managers and other programs that don't affect the compositor itself would keep on working on any Wayland implementation. That's the advantage for the developers of such applications. But what about other programs? Theme changers, Wallpaper switchers etc? They would need to be remade for different Wayland implementations. With a unified framework, we could remove this issue. I think that for some things, the Linux desktop needs some unity, and this is one of these things. Another thing would be flatpak for desktop applications and eventually nix and similar projects for lower-level programs on immutable distros. But that's a topic for another day. Anyways, do you agree with my opinion on Wayland or not? And why? Thank you for reading.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Yeah, and in terms of LinuxRulez, you can find their stuff on (use a Bulgarian proxy like but keep in mind nqma can be finicky. And you need an account for zamunda. Don't use a password you've used anywhere else, I wouldn't trust them with it).

[–] 3 points 2 years ago

You can disable JS or use LibreJS to disable proprietary JS code.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I've often been having issues with FitGirl as well. Dodi repacks have always worked for me though.

[–] 8 points 2 years ago

I pirated it anyway. I owned a PS4 copy, pirated it on PC, played on both and greatly enjoyed myself both times, and sold the copy to second hand reseller (Cex) that I buy all my games from. I neevr pay full price and never support the industry. The only digital copies of games I have are either ones that were free for a time, or ones that are free forever. Until the gaming industry stops releasing half-finished products, and stops overworking their employees, I will keep on not passing my financial support their way.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

host: Samsung smart toaster



[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

if you're traveling, use a VPN

Is there a way to circumvent that? VPNs usually come with a speed decrease

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

Okay, but then we still have the problem of FPTP. If I'm in a Labour dominated constituency and I vote LibDem, my vote wouldn't matter cuz Labour will win anyways. And if I live in a Greens Stronghold and I vote Greens, my vote wouldn't really matter, as they would have won with or without my vote. The way I see it, your vote can only make a difference in a constituency where there is no clear winner, and it's everybody's game.

Please correct me if I'm wrong in my assessment of the situation.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Thanks, I will keep that in mind.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Less viewer numbers to show to advertisers.

[–] -1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Fair enough. The thing is, do I vote for the near-anarchists, that, save for the anarchism, align with my principles? Do I vote for the party that is further away from my ideological beliefs, but doesn't have the anarchism, and is a bit larger? Or do I vote for the main opposition, which is even further from me ideologically (and doesn't seem to have much of a clear vision)?

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

YES! One of the creators I can keep on watching when I quit (by the end of the week probably, or when they kill off newpipe)


Connect is the only Lemmy app I have installed that doesn't have a Subscribed feed. And the current default feed isn't even close to the Subscribed feed.

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