Lol yeah I didn't even consider that. At this point it almost feels like some of that has to be trolling. Either that or there is a large detergent hobbyist community out there that I have just not been aware of.
Not to mention the gas to go to the three separate stores you probably need to buy that shit from.
Yea, making your own laundry detergent from grated soap and borax seems like something people with money do to convince themselves they're frugal. When in reality, there is no way in hell you're making a commodity cheaper than GreatValue (tm)
More than likely her parents were from Laos. Despite being born in Thailand, she is probably considered a Laotian citizen. It's very unlikely they would have accepted her back otherwise.
In my defense, it was my inauguration day, and I really wanted to do it.
Sir, this is a Wendy's.
To the degree necessary for education, absolutely.
Schools have to maintain a certain level of order and conformity to function as intended. Courts have already ruled as much. You can't engage in behavior which would prevent the system from working as intended e.g. walk around topless, yell profanities, play loud music, etc - things which you can obviously do in other public spaces. Wearing full body animal costumes or barking randomly, claiming its your identity, is just as ridiculous and just as disorderly.
With that said, schools probably already had the tools they needed to stop this, so I'm not sure why a law was needed. Unless there was actually some furry zealot fighting against a school board.
People forget that black men, many of whom were born slaves, got the right to vote before women.
It's always the ones you most suspect.
How about fuck the people that keep buying and popularizing them?
When something becomes substantially easier to do, the prevalence of it is going to increase substantially as well. So it's not that phishing is going to get any more complex or deceptive. It's that it's going to come from 10x+ more endpoints. And while you personally may feel immune, it's all a numbers game to the scammer. The more attacks they send out, the higher their success rate.
If you're already getting 10 scam calls and texts a day, imagine getting 100. If you're getting 100, imagine getting 1000.