Oh no, a fake fucking downvote from an idiot that thinks downvotes matter.
Who the fuck cares? Why the fuck do you think anyone cares?
Yes, fuckwit, toxicology reports are part and parcel of FUCKING EVERY INVESTIGATION involving an autopsy.
You have no fucking clue if this person was poisoned. You have no clue if they were forced to ingest medications against their will. YOU HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE HOW THEY ACTUALLY DIED.
Which is why an actual fucking professional that isn't a reactionary online cockmongrel does an investigation INCLUDING A FUCKING TOXICOLOGY REPORT.
If you want to accuse me of being transphobic while you yourself are a goddamn moron, FUCK YOURSELF WITH YOUR OWN FOOT, YOU IGNORANT CUNT.
Any parent whose child catches measles should be beaten approximately 3/4ths to death with their own shoes.
Yes, that's kind of how an investigation works you dingbat.
Oh look, it's a bunch of fucking Mormon psychos abusing children again.
How the fuck many times do we have to read this shit before we just outlaw Utah, throw everyone in jail, then let them out one by one as they're proven NOT to be child abusing cuntweevils?
Because, as we all know, it's ONLY the Republicans that are out of session right now... right?
Ah yes, that well-known financial bastion of... North Korea... where all oligarchs go to hide their money.
I don't think you know how financial transactions work.
Oh, don't worry, as soon as the lunatic money dries up it'll be back to whatever the new purchasing billionaire wants.
It is, quite literally, every moment of every day. Your ignorance is fucking astounding.
Pick any time that Congress is not in session. There is ALWAYS something they could be passing to save one group or another. Painting this shit as "OMG CONGRESS DUN CARE" is the kind of garbage-tier anti-government horseshit that ends up with idiots voting for Republicans. "Well, if da gubmint dusnt do nothin' then why have gubmint?!?" You hear this shit every time Congress is out of session for any reason. There's ALWAYS some bill that just absolutely has to be passed even though none of it mattered six months ago. It's politically expedient to complain about it now, so that's what happens.
Congress is not full of goddamn robots, and their schedule is prepared well in advance. If you call them back to vote on this shit, you're necessarily delaying OTHER votes and hey, guess what, when they go on break there will be YET ANOTHER vote that wasn't done because they went on break that's NOW the big boogeyman bill that they should be voting on rather than going on break.
It's a never ending cycle of bullshit.
Pay more attention.
It's entirely what you implied.
Be more literate.
Idiots will always idiot. Like the old stories of $3,000 toilet seats that idiots swore were government waste... despite the fact that said toilet seats were on the fucking Space Shuttle (IIRC).
People with zero sense of scale. That's the real issue.