*Except you, you stay
*Except you, you stay
If some criminal indictments came out against trump for being a pedophile, the right wing will go NUTS. "It's a witch hunt!".
If Clinton gets indicted for his pedophilia, lefties go "yeah good, about time".
You see the difference right? One's a cult, the other is normal?
I know that conservatives like to go "if you go after trump for being a pedophile, then what about Clinton?"
And EVERY SINGLE LEFTY goes "okay".
Like, what a bizarre world where one side of the isle ignores pedophilia if it's their idol doing it, and the other has a blanket "no pedophile" policy.
Gross vibes on this one
Good on em. The more Just Stop Oil is in the news, the better.
I don't care about anyone's hair. Maybe you misread my comment? You can sub in any action performatively done in response to a "no".
Your misreading of my comment is toddler core.
Anybody (of any gender) that perfomatively does something solely out of spite is toddler core.
"My girlfriend told me she doesn't like mullets so I got a mullet lol"
"My dad says I'm not allowed a tattoo so now I want one even more!"
Toddler core.
Good point, corrected.
What's not in their jeans is probably in their genes.
Key word is "state mandated", only the state of Victoria was locked down, I think COVID barely scratched the other states. I also lived in NZ at the time, and as you recall, we barely got COVID and I spent 2020 and 2021 skiing and partying. Thanks to clever leadership, not seen in the US at the time.
As for UK healthcare, I quickly researched where Australia stacked up in the world and by most metrics, the UK was overwhelmingly the best. Unlike the weirdly propagandized Americans, I don't have to do weird mental gymnastics to try and force my country at the top. I can accept facts.
Here I thought it was a Rick and Morty reference. Roy 2!!