
joined 7 months ago

Bordel... cette oeuvre d'art funèbre aérienne... "j'aurais pas fait mieux", dit le conférencier.

  1. Analyse de la trajectoire du vol MH370, Patrick Blelly & Jean Luc Marchand & simulations (FR) (EN) (FR) (EN)

La conf, ça nous apprends pas mal de petites choses, entre :

-le premier virage serré en 2'10 pour éviter la zone militaire Thaïlandaise (22'20)

-le portable du pilote qui a borné à penyang, donc après igari (40'35)

-le pilote a remis le courant (donc il a été éteint) (52'10)

-approcher l'Indonésie en furtif, c'est risquer de se faire identifier (52'30)

-l'avion d'une autre compagnie (Indigo 6E53), qui lui arrivait pile d'en face, dans l'autre sens (route N571), qui explique pourquoi le MH est descendu sous la barre des 27000 pieds (55'22)

-le coup de fil de la Malaysian airlines, au téléphone satellite de l'équipage (alors au large de de Sumatra), dont les échanges d'inmarsat prouvent que le tel à bord a bien reçu (et sonné) la tonalité d'appel, malgré que l'appel reste sans réponse (1'13'20)

J'admets pas avoir regardé le rapport de l'enquete officielle, mais il est vrai que ça chamboule un peu le jeu, surtout les autres théories, à mon sens

Je sais pas si les médias le savaient, bien que ces trois infos (capitales à mon sens) sont passées trop inaperçues

  1. Ocean infinity va p-e relancer les recherches cette année ou l'an prochain, et si ils cherchent aux nouvelles indications, je ne vois pas comment ils pourraient ne pas trouver :

Une compilation des vidéos du MH :

Malheureusement, aucune observation des conférenciers sur les boites noires (pas à l'ordre du jour), qui seront sans doute malheureusement d'aucune utilité pour le CVR.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

However there are some apps that I must have, like authenticator, mobile bank and government apps.

Big lol. Gafam and commercial apps.

i use postmarketos, i allow only non-commercial and opensource apps ; i huge hate common apps. I just use sms/phone/emails and gnome maps. that's it

a bank requiring me to get their app is a bank whom account is closed within the day : they already have sms 2FA, already too much, now either you go with google/apple and commercial apps, or do without. On my side, any android/aosp/apple application is jerked out, no way for me to run them. Prefer even bberry curve. Dumbphone. I just take postmarketos for the touch keyboard, but everything except apps.

"pls install this app pls install it you need it to continue plus use the app only the app" <= when you guys will understand that [your phone] is not your phone anymore, but their device? It costs you a lot, in addition with expensive subscription, to make their cost cut, even while price will still grow up? iphone/android/aosp never again in my life...

murena = android = google somewhere, even if there are no google service installed : google says B tomorrow instead of A today, you will have to change. I dont even speak of Apple. For me postmarketos is new heaven of freedome, never to this mania of apps apps apps everywhere again. Apps are just the new pratical life disaster. Good luck with them !

jolla = sailfish = hybris or halium, both using some code or blobs from androd/aosp.

only solution : postmarketos or librem. Take your choice. But android apps are clearly related far or close to gafam. Deal with it :)

google/apple/android/aosp/iphone not allowed in my life :)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

But it’s 2025 and even a 10 year old phone you found in a dumpster behind a decaying Radio Shack can run modern websites without issue.

since google is pure evil, i use dillo daily.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

the 5 people

i dont think there are only five guys disabling JS on google search, but just by noscript without exceptions, it's only 200k on firefox... but who would use evil chromium today?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

yt-dlp direct to > peertube. Never google/yt again, i would prefer books instead cooperate with them

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 months ago

but I’m not going to pretend like asking companies to make HTML/CSS-only versions of their sites is a reasonable request i

believe me, its over a reasonable request, it's a duty, a respect for technology : javascript towards to enshitification, pure html/css is heaven while JS became now pure evil.

[–] [email protected] 38 points 2 months ago (2 children)

why no one quotes searx instances?

or even paid search engines : kagi.


«Êtes-vous enceinte ?» : le gouvernement chinois lance une campagne de démarchage