We are slowly shifting to a 4x8=32h work week here. 60h long term has nothing to do with productivity anymore.
The suspected driver has been arrested, according to police. According to information from the German Press Agency (dpa), the man is injured and in the hospital. He is said to be a German citizen. Currently, police do not believe there were any accomplices, as the dpa learned from security sources.
Endlessh and fail2ban are great to setup a ssh honeypot. There even is a Prometheus exporter version for some nice stats
Just expose endlessh on your public port 22 and if needed, configure your actual ssh on a different port. But generally: avoid exposing ssh if you don't actually need it or at least disable root login and disable password authentication completely.
https://github.com/skeeto/endlessh https://github.com/shizunge/endlessh-go https://github.com/itskenny0/fail2ban-endlessh
Or a simple "Na" while pointing to your nether region will do as well.
It's not gay to stare at a male ass while playing games 3rd person perspective?
If we talk about the 4-day work week in Europe, it's common sense we mean 4x8h. No one in their right mind would think about 10h per day.
Issue still present after 30.0.1 update. One of the core features to send email shares is broken for more than a month. Not impressed at all.
No way this can be true.
Apart from the obvious Hitler salute, all I read is: vote for us for two legislation periods, so we get livelong pension payments. AfD is full of opportunists, failures and openly right wing supporters/neonazis. It will be a difficult time ahead for everyone with migration background, progressive movements, culture and artists, ecology groups etc once AfD is voted in the regional elections next month and federal elections next summer.
I fear that this will plunge Germany in a depression.
I guess it is about proving that you can provide for yourself otherwise you won't be allowed to permanently stay. But this doesn't really have anything to do with the healthcare system. Just a guess.
"free" as in "available"
Replaced Firefox with Librewolf
Apart from default uBlock origin, Dark reader
On Desktop only:
Search with own instance of searxng
Pihole as DNS