I've had a contractor put their foot through the ceiling accidentally. They fixed it, of course. I'm just glad it wasn't me.
March 17, 2025
- Brush: Chisel & Hound "Rob's Finest" w/25mm Paragon Synthetic
- Razor: Chiseled Face - Legacy Raw Titanium (#69)
- Blade: Personna 74 (45)
- Lather: Barrister & Mann - Vespers - Soap
- Post Shave: Barrister & Mann - Petrichor - Aftershave
Today is the perfect day for Vespers. It's a bit gloomy and drizzling, yet still sort of pleasant outside.
March 16, 2025
- Brush: Chisel & Hound "Rob's Finest" w/25mm Paragon Synthetic
- Razor: Chiseled Face - Legacy Raw Titanium (#69)
- Blade: Personna 74 (44)
- Lather: Fanzine Saponifications – Test… Test… 123 – Soap
- Post Shave: Summer Break Soaps - Woodshop - Aftershave
- Post Shave: Goodfellow & Co. - Face Lotion - Kelp & Sea Mineral
So slick. This tester soap has everthing I need, and nothing else.
March 16, 2025
- Brush: Chisel & Hound "Rob's Finest" w/25mm Paragon Synthetic
- Razor: Chiseled Face - Legacy Raw Titanium (#69)
- Blade: Personna 74 (43)
- Lather: Noble Otter - Batters Up - Soap
- Post Shave: Spearhead - Seaforth! Heather - Toner
- Post Shave: Goodfellow & Co. - Face Lotion - Kelp & Sea Mineral
- Fragrance: Auntie Anne's Pretzels - Knead - EdP
It's my understanding that Oak not being good for cutting boards is in reference to end-grain cutting boards. Oak is very porous and soaks up too many juices (not a problem for bread), but it only really soaks stuff up from the end grain.
For an edge grain board like yours, Oak is a fine choice!
The only benefits of end grain are that it's self healing after being sliced with a knife, and it's a bit more forgiving and won't dull the knife as much. Bamboo, which is very hard, can dull a knife for example.
For a bread knife, these don't matter very much, so edge grain is 100% acceptable, and 1000x easier.
March 14, 2025
- Brush: Zenith 508A XL/Bristle (B35) (MOAR BOAR) 31mm
- Razor: Chiseled Face - Legacy Raw Titanium (#69)
- Blade: Personna 74 (42)
- Lather: Fanzine Saponifications – Test… Test… 123 – Soap
- Post Shave: Noble Otter - Hamami - Aftershave
- Post Shave: Dove Men+Care Ultra-Hydra Cream
The weather has been warming up a bit. Having a friend over later to grill dinner with the kids while our respective wives go to a ZZ Ward concert together.
Me either, but assuming it's a real screenshot, the date is 2018. I didn't do much digging, but 2018 saw an increase in cherry crops according to this source https://upnorthlive.com/news/local/usda-2018-cherry-crop-production-up-from-last-year.
An overall increase of 60% is pretty big! If this specific farm had an especially bad year in 2017, a 340% increase isn't out of the question.
March 18, 2025
I like the few Semogue brushes I have. They're all different and very usable.