Should be required reading in school. Even excerpts from it or teaching about it and its influence on the public would be good.
So many. Everything I love goes away. The first that comes to mind is Crescent brand au jus. It was the best out there, period.
The next is the bruschetta chicken ciabatta sandwich that Jack in the Box used to have. Amazing.
Uno candy bars are technically still around but impossible to find. I love those little bastards.
There are more but I can't think of them. Do the myriad of products that changed their recipes thinking no one would notice count? I noticed. Sometimes the new thing is dead to me.
Also those old "fire" "rain" element drinks (sobe?) were unbelievably good. In fact sobe was so good in the 90s/00s but changed recipes and packaging so that stuff is bleh to me now.
Original Surge cola. They changed it for the relaunch and it never was quite right. I used to have one every day before [sport] practice in high school.
Oh! Trader Joe's had this pepperjack quiche that was out of this world. Haven't seen it in years. It was the only reason for me to go there.
Edit: this post made me hungry and sad
Agree. Esp. highway vs. freeway. At least in my region, anecdotally, people refer to them correctly and thus they are not synonyms.
Also the use of regional subreddits seems like a weak dataset. There are a lot of transplants on those subs who wouldn't have developed the same regional dialect. Perhaps that is why so many pairs were 50/50.
Not the one you're replying to but my SO was a terrible driver and still has issues. At first I brought it to them calmly but over the years it turned into nagging. That being said, their driving has improved significantly. Much safer than it was but they still get mad at other cars who were being oblivious. They also admitted they have problems seeing at night so I always drive at night now.
They're aware I have a problem with their driving and it is a source of contention in our relationship but not enough to break up over.
What the ever loving shit fuck