
joined 1 month ago
[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 1 points 49 minutes ago

It's this rhetoric that plays perfectly into the class divide that the corporate asshats want everyone to fall for. "It's your fault for not voting for the other corporate shill party!" Disregarding the fact that the main difference is one party is just mask off, and the other is mask on fascist. As many people rightly point out, the dems are controlled opposition. If they weren't there would literally have been much more fight and pushback from them for the four years before Trump 2.0 (especially since they knew it was coming faaar in advance) rather then the milquetoast response we got from them, this was made quite obvious by the dems moving right in many policies and stumping with Cheney of all people. If these people really gave a shit about appealing to their constituents, they would've listened to the damn voters. This is all beside the point as modern American voting IS NOT determined by the voting public, but much more powerful interests. If you really believed your vote was effecting something in this, or any other election in the past 20+ years, I have a bridge to sell you in the Sahara.

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 2 points 15 hours ago

Kudos. That got an unexpected, but much needed, hearty chuckle out of me :D

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 3 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

That episode is commonly misunderstood. I too had always thought they were lampooning climate change deniers, but Matt and Trey were actually poking fun of Al Gore and An Inconvient Truth as alarmist. They've since apologized for the episode, but it's wild that it's so often confused for satirizing the very thing it was mocking. For me I just assumed that Matt and Trey wouldn't be deniers so it never occured to me until I found out their true intention and now it's pretty cringy to watch that episode since it's a lot more obvious. Here's an article about it:


[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 days ago


I try to avoid commercial games, or at least big studio produced ones, as much as I can. I play mostly indie games from itch.io or from GOG (not a fan of the Steam monopoly). I also play (via roms through emulators) a lot of retro games from the late 80s/early 90s. I find that older games eschew the more predatory and exploitive practices that many modern games use (microtransactions, DLC, loot-boxes, always online etc). Basically I try to stay as anti-capitalist as I can in my choice of games. And if that means I miss out on some games, so be it, there is always something to play. Hell, there's more good games out there that I could play in several lifetimes, no point in supporting the games that feed the capitalistic beast.

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Just because I'm already on .ml

It's gotten a fair amount of attention so far, I'm sitting at 49 subscribers now. So, I think it's best to stay where I'm at. I'd hesitate to move it right now after almost 50 subs. I could see if there was less traction, but right now it seems like it's alright where it is.

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 days ago

Thanks, will do!


I am a longtime GM, and have been looking to stretch my improv muscles for a long time. I've had this idea percolating for awhile about making quick, micro-rpgs that get resolved in a week or so. If that sounds like your cup of tea, join in! I'll be creating the initial games, but anyone that wants to create and GM a game is most welcome!

The first game is already up and is based on superhero parodies like The Tick. I call it: Stuperheroes!

Here's a direct link to the game: Stuperheroes

And here's a link to the community itself: !Every_Post_Is_An_RPG@Lemmy.ml

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 2 points 3 days ago

You find tiny phonographs attached to each flower, playing a symphony of staccato squeaks. The music swells and as it does your thoughts become scattered and erratic, you feel your limbs begin to involuntarily move in jerky motions. Describe how you stop the maniacal music from controlling your mind and roll a D6!

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

The gazebo cries out in agony, a series of high-itched squeaks emit from it and it breaks apart into a swarm of purple rubber duckies that amass into a giant fist, pummeling you for your audacity. The fist swings, the purple duckies bobbing and undulating like a wave of scurrying ants. When the the fist hits you an enormous SQUEAK rattles you teeth. You fly backwards in an arc, hitting a nearby flower stand, the flowers explode out in a flurry of daisies, roses and tulips, the startled flower-seller jumps in the nearby shallow creek in a panic. You are now covered in assorted flowers. What do you do?

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 days ago

Awesome! I am very familiar with Zot, Understanding Comics and Mr. McCloud in general, but I'd never heard of this. Thanks for showing me. I'll have to check it out sometime!


I am a longtime GM, and have been looking to stretch my improv muscles for a long time. I've had this idea percolating for awhile about making quick, micro-rpgs that get resolved in a week or so. If that sounds like your cup of tea, join in! I'll be creating the initial games, but anyone that wants to create and GM a game is most welcome!

The first game is already up and is based on superhero parodies like The Tick. I call it: Stuperheroes!

Let's have some fun :D

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 days ago

Parenti, in Blackshirt in Reds, covers this topic excellently. He does not gloss over the flaws and corruptions in the USSR, but he is realistic in giving a fair assessment of their successes in the midst of their failures. A big point being what you mentioned above: the USSR had to continue focusing production towards just being on even footing with the US in terms of defense, to protect against the very real threat of the US overthrowing the government as they were doing in so many other communist countries. At no time during the USSR's existence were they ever not under attack by some outside force or another (the NAZIs, CIA, multi-national capitalist interests etc). Here's a good quote talking about the Stalin era and progressive policies during that time:

During the years of Stalin's reign, the Soviet nation made dramatic gains in literacy, industrial wages, health care, and women's rights. These accomplishments usually go unmentioned when the Stalinist era is discussed. To say that "socialism didn't work" is to ignore that it did. In Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Mongolia, North Korea, and Cuba, revolutionary communism created a life for the mass of people that was far better than the wretched existence they had endured under feudal lords, military bosses, foreign colonizers, and Western capitalists. The end result was a dramatic improvement in the living conditions for hundreds of millions of people on a scale never before or since witnessed in history.

Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism by Michael Parenti

[–] wolfinthewoods@lemmy.ml 3 points 3 days ago

That's....gross. But entirely unsurprising. I never knew that there was a neutered version in the US. I actually had to look it up. Wow. Go us. This country really just continues to depress me day after day.


Great article about Quebec comics at Angouleme and a good look at the festival in general. Lots of discussion about the current state of the festival and some of the internal divisions of the fest between the organizers and artists. There's been some controversy regarding 9e, who organize the festival, and the creators that attend over the committee's refocusing on a more commercial outlook for the event, and more disgusting developments such as the rape of Chloe, a former employee that had her employment terminated after the horrific incident. This has caused many publishers to create a counter event in protest, with some publishers looking to avoid the festival for the foreseeable future.

A very interesting and informative article. I'm still quite new to the BD scene, and had only hard about the festival in Angouleme vaguely, so it was an intriguing look into the preeminent BD comic festival. I also discovered some new publishers to check out such as Le Monte-en-l'air, La Pasteque and Les Requins Marteaux. There's a lot of great pictures too peruse as well.


Sunday by Olivier Schrauwen tells about a day in the life of a fictional version of Olivier's cousin. The entirety of the over four hundred page comic is contained in a single Sunday in the life of Thibault, centering mostly on his internal thoughts and mundane doings on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

It's an excellent exercise in turning the mundane into an interesting and humorous piece of story art. Funnily enough, I didn't intentionally do it at the time, but fittingly read it over the whole course of my own lazy Sunday.

This is an interview by Matt Seneca of the Comics Journal probing Schrauwen on the creation of Sunday. I highly recommend reading Sunday whenever you have a lazy Sunday of your own ;)


Djinn tells the story of a young woman looking into her long lost grandmother's past as a concubine in a harem in the 19th century. The series is beautifully illustrated by Ana Miralles and written by Jean Defaux. This video shows her working her magic, creating the beautiful watercolor art for the comic in her studio. Enjoy ;)


Been wanting a NES for a minute. Decided on buying myself a toploading unit for my 40th birthday this year. The American NES toploaders were too pricey, but the Famicom AV was much more affordable and with the bonus of AV instead of RF only like the US model. Just by coincidence I bought Mario Bros as my first Famicom game since that was the cheapest, best quality game I could afford and it just seemed right to make it the first Famicom game I owned. But after I purchased it it dawned on me that it was delightfully appropriate to buy Mario Bros on it's 40th anniversary as my 40th birthday present this year :D

Looking forward to grabbing an Everdrive when I have the cash and really getting down and dirty with it. I have a whole bunch of homebrew and hacks I'm itching to play.


Bleu à la lumière du jour has a very haunting, noir-ish feel to the art. The dialogue is sparse, making the big, silent panels even more exaggerated in their quietude. I am still learning French, so I am slowly reading/translating it piece by piece, as sparse as the dialogue is, but am relishing soaking in the sumptuous atmosphere that Gonzalez has sculpted in these panels. Definitely highly recommended.

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