I have used CircuitPython in some projects, especially with my children. Python was easier for them than C. For small projects (domestic sensor, remote control car,...) there is no difference in performance. For those use cases that are more demanding and squeeze the possibilities of the SoC to the maximum, obviously, it is not worth it. Taking this into account, I think it is an alternative for many DIY projects that are being done out there
You're right. It was taken a day before but it gave me an error when uploading the photo (it happens to me with some frequency in Lemmy lately) and it stayed in the pending queue
I used an iPhone XS
Me too!
Thanks a lot!
nice photo 👏🏻 I have just downloaded Siril, and I want to do something similar to this, but I have two Siril related questions because I think they are a lot of photos to stack and I am not sure my Macbook can do the job:
- How long did it take you to process it?
- Did you use a "normal" laptop or do you have a powerful graphic card?
Thanks in advance!
I don't use conda actually (I did in the past), but I think you could try:
conda shell.bash activate project0
You must see the paths and config used to activate the environment. Check all is fine.
What command did you use to activate project0?
I think it is an ideal traveling companion... small, light but good enough to enjoy the night sky