That's "look under the couch cushions" money for Apple
Granted, I saw a weekday matinee, but there were only 3 other people in my IMAX theater. This has been the case with every movie I've seen in recent memory. I can't remember the last time I had someone sitting next to me in a full theater. Barbie was half-full. Maybe 2021 when theaters reopened?
It deserves to be seen
I saw a non-horror movie yesterday, and 3 out of the 4 previews were for horror movies, including one entire scene from one.
Studios are creatively bankrupt.
Yeah, I had the same thoughts about where her character was going, and that either her character arc was cut for time or got lost in a rewrite.
But the really weird thing was how Bong portrayed her as a little unhinged when she was shooting the baby bug: no restraint and no expression. They made sure to show her face at the end of that scene after the baby had been turned into hamburger, and it seemed a little intentionally unsettling based on the context.
When they depicted Nasha as a little unhinged as well, I was wondering if they were saying something about future soldiers. No, I guess, based on the ending. Nasha just gets homicidal about Mickey, and who knows what's up with Kai because her character failed the Bechdel Test and then disappeared.
No. "Objectively bad," lol. At least make an attempt to distinguish your opinion from objective reality about a subjective medium.
I think it was pretty OK, not bad, a few odd pacing choices. The biggest flaw was how underdeveloped Kai was. She was set up in act 1, had a lot of screen time in act 2, then completely disappeared from existence for the entire last act except for one brief "oh yeah, here's Kai" shot at the end.
Some of the on-screen violence against the baby bugs was repugnant, but it was supposed to be, so I'll forgive it.
Otherwise I thought Pattinson did a great job realizing his characters and the overall plot worked pretty well as a movie, without being too simple or too complex.
I remember reading about this guy years ago and at the time the reaction from Netflix seemed to amount to, "You got me! Good one."
His real problem is that he didn't steal $11 billion—then you're apparently untouchable.
Apparently the 43 people who bought Atari's VCS console that they released and then abandoned are all in that comment section.
Revoking a degree is really underhanded.
The only thing you need to remember is that political parties, by law, cannot restrict candidates from running under that party banner. Superdelegates are how the Democratic Party leadership attempts to skirt this and put its thumb on the scale, but after the Clinton-Sanders debacle, their power was diminished.
An ideological takeover of the party is possible. It just requires progressive candidates to get elected.
Yeah, I'd expect it on opening night (I go later). But the drop-off for many movies these days is huge.