
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Got it, thats very interesting. I already understood the redness of the shadow but had no idea how much more complex it is and that picture of earth eclipsing the sun makes it way more clearer.

Thank you very much, I would upvote you 10 times if I could.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

So like the umbra has a "bright" edge compared to its center?

I think that was my mistake, I was thinking of the transition between the penumbra and umbra had a straigt edge when viewed from earth.


[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I knew about what causses the moon to appear red but I never really thought about sunsets/rises beyond "its the atmosphere refracting light". That was a very nice explanation about them. Thanks.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think it does. Thanks.

So in other words; That side of the moon is closer to the edge of earths shadow. Correct?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I get that, but if the moon is completely behind the umbra of earths shadow why is that it looks brighter on one side/edge?


Eclispe 1

Eclipse 2

Eclipse 3

Not my pictures btw. I took them from r/astrophotography

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Sorry, thats not my question. I misstyped solar instead of lunar so I take the blame.

But I agree that its quite amazing how perspective wroks between the sun, earth, and the moon. Earth is also the right size tho block out the sun the same way when viewed from the moon. Would be hard to believe if we werent experiencing it tbh.


If its a total lunar eclipse why does one edge remains brighter than the rest?

I have been googling for an answer for a while and cant find it. Even pictures of previous total lunar eclipses are the same. Is it because that side remain closer to the edge of the umbra? Or is it caused by how light behaves; Or because the surface of the moon is more reflective on that part.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

Boris Katloaff?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

if I go outside on a sunday in Columbus Ohio, and walk my pig down the sidewalk, while walking backwards and eating ice cream.....nothing will happen. It's against the law...

Lol. Is that true? I would like to have seen whatever triggered the creation of that law.

Anyways, back to topic. While its true that there are old, outdated and very specific laws that are not enforced there are also laws that are unjust and cruel. How about being homeless and sleeping in public spaces? Or even inside your car? Ilegal and enforced. Begging for money? Ilegal and enforced. Giving food to the poor. Ilegal or heavily obstructed by regulations and enforced. The enslavement of incarcerated people. Enforced by a branch of police.

Those are just a few from the top of my head but I think I made my point. ACAB is not a critique or an attack to the individual in charge of enforcing laws but a denunciation of the judicial system as a whole.

First off, they have to know a law exists to enforce it. And even if they KNOW of a law, they enforce what they want.

Not directly related to my argument but you just pointed out two other problem with policing:

The allowed and even desired, I would say, ignorance of the law from those who are supposed to enforce it which leads to unlawful arrests and other abuses and arbitrary enforcement of laws based on relationship and prejudices.

The are no good cops, but there are good people working as cops, however, as you already pointed out, most of them are eventually fired and/or punished and the rest stop being good people at some point.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

"The "good/bad cop" question can be disposed of decisively. We need only consider the following:

  1. Every cop has agreed, as part of his job, is to enforce laws; all of them.

  2. Many of the laws are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.

  3. Therefore, every cop has agreed to act as an enforcer of laws that are manifestly unjust, or even cruel and wicked.

There are no good cops."

Dr. Robert Higgs

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

El comal le dijo a la olla

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago (1 children)

And Aragorn's sword :c

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Lets ban tiktok! They promote socialist propaganda.

Huh? That didnt work...

Lets ban tiktok! They promote republican propaganda.

Now that should do it.


Hi. Some friends of mine are starting a business and they want to setup a server to host a simple "contact" website, run an e-mail service (about 10 accounts for now but with possibilities of expanding it to support more) and to store and remote access documents.

Im a computer savvy person so they asked me for help, but dont know much about self-hosting so I come here asking you:

What kind of hardware do they need and would be best? What OS and other software is required and recomended?
How to set it up/configure it? Im partial to foss but if there are good propietary options they are acceptable too. And last: What do we have to watch out for or avoid.

Also, space is a bit of an issue, I was thinking they could use something small like an intel nuc but Im worried that hardware would be underpowered for their needs.

I have been googling for stuff myself but I get overwhelmed by the ammount of information and some contradicting opinions so I appreciate your recomendations and guidance. Im not asking you to give me a full tutorial, although I would appreciate it too, but just to be pointed in the right direction to avoid, as much as possible, spending money and time on things they might not really need or might not perform as well.

Thanks in advance.

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