Whatever OS the space monsters living under the ice cap use
"minimal abstinence outside of hospital". That means she was still drinking.
I wonder how realistic that is; almost all of the science people I've met run Linux
The only genuine hint to the real reason of the refusal was "minimal abstinence outside of hospital".
Let me ask you bud, if you needed a liver transplant to continue living, would you have even one drink per week, or would you just quit completely?
Very biased article.
Plus, regardless of her husband being compatible, it still costs the state tens of thousands for the operation. In no way would it be ethical to put a new liver in someone who refuses to completely abstain from alcohol.
Thanks Donald, good luck in November
They absolutely do, and I have no idea why you're so angry
The problem is not the LLMs, but what people are trying to do with them.
They are currently spoons, but people are desperately wishing they were katanas.
They work really well for soup, but they can't cut steak. But they're being hyped as super ninja steak knives, and people are getting pissed when they can't cut steak.
If you give them watery, soupy tasks they can do successfully, they can lighten your workload, as long as you're aware of what they are and aren't good at.
What people want LLMs to be able to do, ie. "Steak" tasks:
write complex documents
apply complex knowledge/rules to a situation
Write complex code and create entire programs based on vague description
What LLMs can currently do ie. "Soup" tasks:
check this document and fix all spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors
summarise this paragraph as dot points
write a python program that sorts my photographs into folders based on the year they were taken
Half of Lemmy is hyping katanas, the other half is yelling "Why won't my spoon cut this steak?!! AI is so dumb!!!"
Update: wow, the pure vitriol pouring out of the replies is just stunning. Seems there are a lot of you out there who have, in one way or another, tied your ego very strongly to either the success or failure of AI.
Take a step back, friends, and go outside for a while.
"Epic tootage"
I think that was a Miles Davis album