Liberty Hub

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  1. No Discrimination, this includes usage of slurs or other language intended to promote bigotry
  2. No defending oppressive systems or organizations
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  4. Discussion, not debate. This community is exclusively for genuine logical debate, any comments using whataboutism or similar will be removed.
  5. No genocide denial or support for genocidal entities. Anyone that supports the mass murder of civilians will be banned.

These guidelines are meant to allow open discussion and ensure leftists and post-leftists can have a voice. If you are here to learn, then welcome! Just remember that if you're not a part of the left (Liberals don't count) then you are a visitor, please do not speak over our members.

founded 1 year ago

Even if you disagree with them, Trotskyists are not tankies, simple Marxists aren't tankies, leftists curious and exploring different theories aren't tankies, and ffs anarchists like myself are not tankies.

I feel like "tankie" indicated a very specific worldview at one time, but it's been used lately a lot to mean things like "doesn't agree with nations supporting oppression and inequity up to and including genocide" -- which is drastically at odds with how I've seen the term used in the past, no?


Worth noting I encountered these liberal apologists within MONTHS of Biden taking office. The very day it came to light that he was opening even more concentration camps, there were liberal Democrats crawling all over reddit, tumblr, and twitter to explain why this was good ackshually.

Side note: Never listen when they say "now's not the time to talk about this in an election year." That's a red flag that alerts you that you can safely discard anything else they say after that. They were saying that already in 2021.


CODEPINK Inland Empire member Rachael O'Neill explained, "We reject business as usual as the Israeli government carries out a genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, all with the unconditional support of the Biden/Harris administration. We took this action today to put pressure on the administration to back up their words with actions: stop arming Israel and support a permanent ceasefire resolution at the UN."


It kinda sucks that Trump got convicted of 34 felonies because now I'm seeing so many people thinking felon = bad, when in fact convicted felons are disproportionately people of color who were convicted for things that shouldn't be crimes at all such as drugs, or based on the thinnest of evidence by strongly biased juries.

Look up Fontae Buelow for one obvious example -- all white jury, the corrupt judge dismissed a dissenting juror, the same corrupt judge was appointed to the retrial, and the more you look into this case, the more obvious it is this man is not guilty.

That's just one example. This happens all across the US, over and over again -- people stripped of their rights, denied justice. I was in jail in a community that was 75% white, but nearly every person in my cell besides me was Native, Hispanic, or Black. This is typical of any jail or prison in nearly any location in the US, because our institutions were deliberately created to do this.

And yes, I'm glad Trump got at least a taste of our "justice" system, and I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade here -- but the main takeaway here should NOT be that felons are bad people who are undeserving of equity. Trump is a bad person whether he's a felon or not, and many felons are good people -- and even if they're NOT good people, they're still people worthy of regard and basic respect, worthy to be treated as fellow humans who are equals.


"It's so hard not to kill brown kids, you just don't understand"

Just awful and dehumanizing to the people being murdered by Biden and Israel



The really bad news for USAmericans is that our current president supports this.


"This group of people is not worth immediate and drastic action, they're not worth saving," it says. Yet when it wants to destroy, liberalism is immediately present.


Full post for context.

I wish I had a cookie for every time a Democrat told me the concentration camps are good ackshually

Fuck your border and your president

Laziness Does Not Exist (
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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