
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Agreed. I'm more excited to see what Summer Eternal does.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago

The right literally dont want to stop the rich. They want to stop the left from stopping the rich. People who identify as right wing can sometimes be brought out of the cancerous mindset that reinforces their oppression, but "the right" is absolutely no fucking ally to anyone seeking liberation for their community.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Organize your community.

Read history and theory from other radicals.

Find like minded people and put your labor into providing food and everyday essentials like soap to your community members who can't afford them.

Gather in the streets and make your voices heard.

Work on a community garden and plant vegetables at home if you can.

Forge bonds with your literal neighbors and learn what about the accessibility needs of those around you.

Make emergency preparednes kits and discuss plans with your neighbors and comrades.

Talk to the queer people you know who don't feel safe in their home/city/state/country about what they need to be safe.

Build bonds with real people who also want to make change, and dont fucking talk to cops.

Learn about the dangers both infiltration and jacketing pose to radical movements, and practice disciplined opsec.

Do all of this and anything else that your local community needs to survive and thrive without relying on fascist government or capitalists generally.

TLDR: Practice mutual aid and solidarity.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Yes. At least keep some in your home where you know where it is. You never know when grandma might forget that she's already taken her pain meds, or a kid drinks too much of the wrong cough syrup, or (and I mean this in the least judgemental way possible) a friend hides their habit from you. Or literally any of those things (or a million other possibilities) happens to your next door neighbor.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 week ago

Better not fall behind on opsec then

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Systemic failures aren't character flaws.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Monster Prom is honestly so fun and challenging.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

We aren't sacrificing our cat for a vacation. She'll be well taken care of while we're away, we just wanted to set up a simple method of checking on her when the urge strikes us without bothering the cat sitters to drop what they're doing and check on her at any hour of the day or night.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

This actually sounds like it fits my priorities pretty solidly. I'll look into Reolink, thanks.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I was honestly leaning more and more toward an off the shelf solution like this. I kindof agree with you about it not being worth it to use a fiddly roll-your-own setup like this, especially with such short notice. Plug and play sounds really attractive.

How do you like the Amcrest cameras and remote monitoring solution? Do they have a good reputation for security I hope? I'm afraid I'm completely in the dark about these types of security camera companies.

Edit: just reread this and saw that you're running the Amcrest cameras through Frigate. Was that setup something that you think could be done in an afternoon? Or have you had to mess with things often? Simplicity and ease of setup are probably my highest priorities for this.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Does zoneminder handle secure remote connections on it's own somehow? Or will I need a separate solution to access my LAN while away?

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

My partner and I have a trip planned in about 1.5 weeks, bur cat is unfortunately sickly right now. I'm tasked with setting up a couple of webcams in her favorite spots so we can check on her while we're away.

Currently we have 1 basic webcam, two functioning Linux desktops, a couple old hard drives i don't need, a domain name I have grand plans for but have never used, and enough experience with docker and self hosting to be dangerous.

If you were to set up a quick and dirty pet cam with a minimal budget and about a week to buy everything and get it all set up, how would you go about it? I really want a solution requires as little fiddling and config as possible.

I know I'll need at least one more webcam, and I've been researching NVR software all night only to arrive back at idk-what-I'm-doing after hours of reading. I could potentially stretch my budget up to something like a Qnap TS-216G (which is as close to a good solution as I've found) since I've been wanting to buy a NAS anyways. The QVR software suite seems like a nice solution for easy setup, but I really dont need any advanced AI features. Even basic stuff like motion detection and video storage I could do without, although they would be nice to have.

I've never made any services available from outside of my LAN either. From what I've read in the past, Tailscale may be the simplest solution for that, but idk if it's suitable for this type of application.

Edit: I guess I never should have brought up that our cat is sick. Most of y'all seem to think that I'm neglecting my animal or something because I didnt go into detail about all of the care plans that we have in place for her. Her illness is long term and managed by medications. She doesnt have flare-ups or any acute symptoms that are likely to cause an emergency. We have friends that she likes that will be visiting daily to feed and water her, spend time with her, and give her medicine. This camera solution is really just a little something extra to make my partner and I feel better about being away from her.

happy day rule (

Alt text: a destroyed city filled with speach bubbles all saying "stop your bombs" and Kamala Harris in the foreground with "I'm speaking" in large text along the bottom.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Alt text: a screenshot of a microblog post with the text "you walking down an alleyway with a gram of weed in your pocket, who would you rather catch you?" Below are two pictures side by side. One of Kamala Harris and the other of Batman.


Thought I'd contribute something other than memes here.

I don't expect there's anything new in this article to most of the people here, but Margaret Killjoy's blog is always a joy to read.


First, some background -

I work in technical support for a Chinese manufacturer making (among other things) home monitoring devices. I'm our resident open source enthusiast in the North American market, not that any of my bosses know or care. My background is not in comp sci or networking, so the only applicable knowledge I have is from my meager experience with my own home lab.

We have a product (I'll refer to it here as the Brain) that communicates wirelessly with our other devices, takes the data from them, sends the data encrypted to our servers, and is available to our customers through our web portal or phone app.

We got a support ticket recently from a customer (and software developer) asking technical questions about the communication protocol from the Brain to our servers. This customer was trying to work on Home Assistant integration for our product stack, but was hitting some roadblock that I can't even pretend to understand. To my understanding, the integration would allow a Home Assistant server to locally gather the same information sent to our servers.

After escalating the issue to our HQ team and some back and forth there, eventually the answer was that the data transfer is encrypted and we aren't going to share any details about it. We don't officially support this type of integration and have no plans to. Our tech contact at HQ offered to sell API access to this customer, but obviously that isn't what he was hoping to hear.

The customer replied that this answer didn't surprise him, but that he would be happy to develop the Home Assistant integration if we made the necessary information available to him.

So, here's my questions - How can I advocate from within my company to open up this aspect of our platform for open source devs to integrate our products into Home Assistant and other open source IOT platforms? Has anyone successfully made a case for this kind of thing within their own companies? What talking points can I use that my higher ups will actually listen to and understand?

I'm considering reaching out to the customer privately to seek a better understanding of what he needs from our platform. Does that seem ill-advised to anyone here?

TLDR - My employer manufactures IOT devices and locks down the platform with proprietary networking protocols. A customer and developer is seeking to write an integration for our products to work locally with Home Assistant. My higher ups said that isn't possible and I want to convince them to make the changes necessary for it to work.


As the title says, I'm looking for a private tracker with a good sized library of 1080p AV1 encodes. I'm on and there's a handful of uploaders and encoders there that have given me the opportunity to upgrade some of my library to AV1, but I keep hearing about how great AV1 is for anime and there isn't really any anime in AV1 there. An anime specific tracker would be great if they have a decent amount of AV1, but I'm also interested in general cartoons and live action TV/movies.

I have access to a MAM's invite forum and have a well established ratio on several trackers, so once I know where to go hopefully I'll be able to get in.

tortur(ul)e (

A picture of sexy Sonic the Hedgehog stepping out of the shower with text bubbles saying- "Are you frying chicken, baby? Haha just kidding" "You make a lot of noise when you pee. I like that." Sonic is very sexy.

Happy May Day! (

There's hope, kids!

Happy May Day! (

My favorite author posted this for May Day. I think its an important message in the midst of anti-genocide protests on college campuses and around the world.


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